Kliff Kingsbury installing phone breaks at Cardinals meetings 'to get that social media fix'

Most Americans can relate to concerns over cellphone and social media addiction.

For many, their phones are the last thing they see before going to sleep and the first thing they look at when they wake up.

In between, they’re faced with the constant urge to check the computers in their pockets for Twitter updates, scores, news or whatever it is that feeds their need.

The tendency has prompted concerns over the impact devices have on users’ mental well-being and led to apps and tactics intended to dissuade that urge to stare at a screen.

Kliff Kingsbury giving in to device devotion

This does not appear to be a concern for Arizona Cardinals rookie head coach Kliff Kingsbury.

Kingsbury told reporters at Tuesday’s owners meetings in Phoenix that he plans to implement “cellphone breaks” at team meetings to feed his players’ addictions.

"They're itching to get to those things," Kingsbury said via ESPN.

Rather than fight device addiction in his locker room, Kliff Kingsbury plans to embrace it. (AP)
Rather than fight device addiction in his locker room, Kliff Kingsbury plans to embrace it. (AP)

Kingsbury letting players get ‘that social media fix’

It’s a practice Kingsbury is bringing from his coaching tenure at Texas Tech. According to ESPN, he plans to let players break to check their phones every 20 or 30 minutes during meetings.

"You start to see kind of hands twitching and legs shaking, and you know they need to get that social media fix, so we'll let them hop over there and then get back in the meeting and refocus," Kingsbury said.

It’s probably not the best tactic for addressing the rewired brains of a generation that’s grown up with social media and the constant glare of screens.

But Kingsbury’s job isn’t to solve society’s ills. His is to coach a football team. And to that end, maybe feeding players’ technological urges is the best way to keep their attention when poring over Xs and Os.

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