Jessica Brown Findlay's pillow buddy

Jessica Brown Findlay stars in The Flatshare credit:Bang Showbiz
Jessica Brown Findlay stars in The Flatshare credit:Bang Showbiz

Jessica Brown Findlay sleeps with a "pillow human" when she's by herself.

The 'Flatshare' actress - who is married to Ziggy Heath - always sleeps on one particular side of the bed and if she's away from work, she crafts a companion to share with her so she doesn't feel "so alone".

She admitted: "The side on which I sleep is very important. I tried to switch it up and I hated it. I thought, 'This isn’t who I am.'

"I just like having all my things on one side.

"However, it’s weird. Even when I’m in bed alone, I’ve noticed I still sleep on my side.

"If it is a long-term thing, I will often create a pillow human and then I don’t feel so alone."

In 'The Flatshare', Jessica plays writer Tiffany, who shares a room with Leon (Anthony Welsh), but the pair work opposite shifts so have no reason for their paths to cross other than via the post-it notes they swap.

And the 33-year-old star thinks it is an arrangement that could work for her, so long as she could make the room feel like her own space.

She said: "I think I would be fine. I would worry for the flatmate. It needs to feel like my space.

"When I’m staying in places, all my drawing equipment comes with me.

"I’m a great cook so I think we would get on because I always cook more than I need, so there would always be a Tupperware full of something."

Jessica found working on the show very "exposing" because she could see so many similarities between herself and her character.

She admitted: "One of my initial notes was, 'Terrifyingly like me.'

"The more I did this series, the more I realised that Tiffany and I are very close.

"Sometimes, there are so many layers to a character that require you to add or takeaway whereas for this, it felt very exposing to connect with a character who felt very close to me.

"It required me to be very trusting with the directors so that I could exist in that space and be exposing in that way."

The Flatshare drops as a box set on Paramount+ with all six episodes available to stream on 1 December. Find out more at