Imagine Watching 'The Shining' Live In A Closed-Down Hotel

From Esquire UK

Many horror films that rely heavily on jump scares, taking away the blood-curdling factor after one or two watches. One movie that will never stop being eerie, though, is The Shining. Watching Jack's slow descent into madness inspires goosebumps even within the comfort of your own home.

Imagine watching it live in a creepy hotel closed down for the winter.

Students from the Arts University Bournemouth in Australia will be bringing The Shining to life at Chine Hotel while it's closed for the winter season. The "devised immersive performance" is inspired by Stephen King's novel and Stanley Kubrick's film, and two one-hour performances will be held daily within the hotel from the 9-18 February.

Said director David Glass in a statement on the university's homepage:

"Setting the performance in this hotel will bring the story to life for the audience; it's uncannily similar to the Outlook Hotel in The Shining story as they are both closed for winter. I immediately saw the potential of setting the performance in this classic seaside hotel."

You can purchase tickets here for £10. Oh, hey, and that's not including the flight to Australia.

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