This Hybrid Bodyweight Workout Promises a Bonus Sleeve Splitting Arm Pump

This Hybrid Bodyweight Workout Promises a Bonus Sleeve Splitting Arm Pump

If your fitness goals include strength gains for powerlifting, boosting your endurance for Hyrox, and mastering a variety of skills for CrossFit, you might think the days of chasing bigger arms are behind you. But that needn’t be the case. With some clever exercise selection (and a fair bit of effort) you can have your cake and eat it, boosting your fitness, building bodyweight strength and pumping up those guns.

This hybrid workout is a functional mixture of running and calisthenics that will increase your stamina, build your chest, back, biceps and triceps, and crank up your metabolism – all in under 40 minutes.

Head to an outdoor workout spot or park, or set yourself up in a pull-up and dip station in your gym, close to a treadmill. Start a running clock, and from 0.00 – and every 5.00 minutes thereafter – perform one round of the following hard-run and bodyweight circuit, recovering for the remainder of the five minute window, before going again. Repeat for eight total rounds, bringing you in at under 40 minutes of hard, full-body graft, and with any luck, a ridiculous arm pump as a bonus.

If you can’t get outside for the running portion, simply sub in a 500m row or ski, or a 1000m indoor bike effort.

Hybrid Bodyweight and Running Workout

Every 5 minutes x 8 rounds

1.Run x 400m

Hearst Owned

Push this run as hard as possible. The quicker you’re back in, the longer you’l have to rest. But be realistic, don’t go out too hot only to find yourself walking the last 200m. Find you ‘hard’ pace and hold it.

2. Chin-Ups x 6-10

human leg, shoulder, standing, joint, elbow, wrist, physical fitness, knee, chest, shorts,
Phil Haynes - Hearst Owned

Grab a pull-up bar with your palms facing your body. Lift your feet off the floor and hang freely with straight arms (A). Pull yourself up by pulling your elbows down and back towards your pockets. When your chin passes the bar, pause, squeezing your biceps hard (B) before lowering to the starting position. Move from a dead hang to fully above the bar on each rep. Try to avoid excessive swinging or kipping.

3. Dips x 10-15

Hearst Owned

Jump up on two parallel bars or gymnastics rings with your palms facing inward and your arms straight – use benches or handrails if you’re outdoors (A). Slowly lower until you feel a deep stretch in your chest, ensuring your elbows don’t flare outward (B). Drive yourself back up to the top and repeat.

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