Your horoscope for the week of 23rd October 2023

Your horoscope for the week ahead is here Hearst Owned

Overview: It’s all about integration, not alternation. On Monday, Scorpio season begins and reminds us that nothing new happens in the known. We must take the risk towards uncertainty in order to find change, healing, and opportunity in the unknown. The final eclipse of 2023, a lunar eclipse in Taurus, wraps up the themes of the last two years on Saturday. With Taurus, we can cultivate safety, and with Scorpio, we can embrace the unknown. So this week's astrology inspires us to integrate the themes of safety and uncertainty to give us the changes we’re seeking.

Read your star sign's horoscope for the week


Go deeper, Aries. When Scorpio season begins on Monday, you’ll want to take your relationships to more intimate places through truth-sharing and trust. Saturday's lunar eclipse in Taurus reframes your relationships with finances and security. If you’re leaning into your values, you’ll have the safety of knowing you’re exactly who you want to be.


Opposites really do attract, Taurus. Scorpio season begins on Monday and helps you learn more about relationships through differences, contrast, and opposites. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus helps you reset your life by inspiring you to let go of what contexts need to be released so you can continue earning the blessings the next six months have to offer.


Start small, Gemini. Scorpio season’s start on Monday helps remind you of the power of taking small goals seriously, so that you can move forward in the right direction responsibly. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus wants you to deepen your commitment to a spiritual practice that gives you more hope and peace.


It’s time to be seen, Cancer. Monday’s start to Scorpio season helps you take the crab shell off and be seen for who you are with your whole heart. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus provides you with friendships and community who want to help you be seen. They can reinforce that while you’re always a work in progress, you are fundamentally worthy of love and belonging.


What is “home," Leo? Monday’s start to Scorpio season helps you understand home as not just a place, but as people and experiences that provide you with emotional safety. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus helps you live into your values professionally as a way of creating success. Consider freedom, leadership, and integrity as guideposts.


What’s the truth, Virgo? Scorpio season begins on Monday and inspires you to leverage your communication strengths to discover and describe the truth. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus helps you apply the lessons you've learned over the last six months. When you know better, you can do better.


Ground down, Libra. Scorpio season starts on Monday and helps you stay grounded and lean into your values for inner peace. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus transforms your relationships with intimacy, sexuality, and passion. You’ll want to allow yourself to deepen your relationships by showing the messy, imperfect parts of you to people you trust.


Happy birthday, Scorpio! Your birthday month begins on Monday and you’ll be showcasing the best of your sign’s gifts, like your intuition, loyalty, creativity, and authenticity. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus brings new relationships, deepens the dynamics you’re already in, and/or completes the relationships that have served their learning for you.


Time to rest, Sag. When Scorpio season starts on Monday, it begins your month-long retreat because it’s the season before yours. You’re asked to do the bare minimum and rest. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus inspires you to approach a big change through initiating small goals only. The fastest way to get where you want to go is slowly and with small goals.


Clock out, Capricorn! Scorpio season helps you balance your work life with a social life. Reconnect with your friends and community as often as you focus on work. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus reminds you that you’re worthy exactly as you are. You don’t need to acquire more, do less, or achieve anything other than accept that you’re fundamentally worthy.


Level up, Aquarius! Scorpio season inspires you to leverage your ambition to incredible places as you step into your strengths and leadership. You have the capacity for potential self-employment if you’ve been thinking about it. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus helps you connect to your home and family, as well as provides you with the emotional safety you’ve wanted.


Bon voyage, Pisces! Scorpio season helps you explore new countries and/or campuses that expand your horizons and then help you change the way you problem-solve. Saturday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus helps you communicate with more structure so that you can cultivate the connection, clarity, and empathy you deserve.

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