Hello, your sex and love horoscope for the weekend is here

Your sex and love horoscope for the weekendHearst Owned

What’s happening: There’s a cazimi Mercury today, which means this is our one “get out of jail free” day for Mercury Retrograde. Speaking of Mercury, it shuffles back into Sagittarius on Saturday. The Sun and serious Saturn link up on Sunday, and on Monday, Venus has a dreamy connection with Neptune. Mercury squares off with Neptune and meets up with Mars on Wednesday, causing emotions to flare. Finally, on Thursday, Mars is square Neptune, which warns that small misunderstandings can easily lead to big fights.

What that means for you:


Things are starting to feel a little boring in your love life. It’s Super Serious Capricorn Season, and you don’t have a lot of time to flirt and fool around. This isn’t a great time to make new connections or start a new relationship—the stars want you to take things slow. Sex is way more emotional and intimate now, so boinking your boo is much more intense. If you’re single and manage to find someone to hook up with, be careful, because catching big feelings for them is likely.


You love a routine, Taurus, but the problem with keeping things perfectly routine is that you or your boo could start to feel bored. Shake things up a little! If you’re usually the one on top, let your partner take a turn. Use some new toys with your boo! On the romantic front, this is a good time to go on a really nice date as opposed to just Netflix and chillin’ at your place for the fiftieth time this week. Little changes can make big differences right now.


Mercury Retrograde started out in Capricorn, but this weekend, it’s scooting backwards into Sagittarius and activating your chart’s relationships zone. That means you need to watch out for exes! Whether it’s with an ex or your current partner, this week’s astro-weather warns of arguments and fights breaking out. All of this aggression and pent-up energy can be put to good use, though! Try to flex your dominant side next time you’re in bed. Bang out all that stress and show your partner a really good time, and it’ll all be a-okay.


Capricorn season = cuffing season for your sign, so you’re defs getting some action right now. The cazimi Mercury tonight means that important conversations between you and your partner (or maybe an ex) are taking place, and supportive Saturn’s influence on Sunday says that the outcome of these conversations will be positive. Come out of your shell on Monday. Venus helps you to be more charismatic and come off as more attractive, so show off—new potential paramours won’t be able to keep their eyes off you, and your boo will love seeing you shine bright!


You’re noticing that more people are hitting your line this week, and there are plenty of chances to fool around and have fun coming your way. Venus in Scorpio wants you to seek out commitment and something stable in your love life, but all of the Sagittarian astro in the sky right now wants you to hang loose and have fun! If hooking up is your thing, you’re having some great sex right now, and the more dominant you are, the more fun you’ll have. The problem is that Venus in Scorpio will be tugging at your heartstrings the whole time, so catching feelings for a hookup or first date is all but guaranteed.


This weekend is lots of fun! Your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun is being lit up, and dreamy Neptune’s influence is all over your chart’s relationships zone. This makes for fiery and hot, but quick, hookups and provides a ton of potential for romance. Enjoy this exciting astro weather, because once the week starts, things get a little more difficult. Neptune goes from dreamy to dreary on Wednesday, and there’s a lot of brand new information coming out of the blue re: your relationship. If there are any secrets, resentment, or jealousy, they’re likely to all come out by the end of the week—so get ready to have a big talk with your boo if you’ve been hiding anything.


My only advice for you this week is to proceed with caution. Take things slow and steady right now, Libra, and don’t expect a great deal of progress. There’s some helpful astro this week for all of you single Libras out there. Mercury is scooting into your chart’s communication zone, and although it’s retrograde, the planet of communication is helping you attract new connections—or maybe bringing old flames back around to give you another shot.


If you have something important to say, tonight’s the night! This weekend’s astro is encouraging you to build up and strengthen your relationship, and doing anything with your partner—dates, hangouts, or just having great sex—promises to reinforce your relationship. Venus is in your sign, too, so all you single Scorpios out there are turning heads and effortlessly attracting hella hotties. Overall, it’s a pleasant week, and whether you’re getting hot and heavy 24/7 or just getting a teeny bit of action, you can look forward to having some fun.


Bad news, buddy. Mercury Retrograde zooms into your sign on Saturday, so your brain is getting jumbled up and finding the right words to say is a STRUGGLE. Venus in Scorpio is still attracting exes your way, and there’s not a whole lot of forward movement in your love life either. Instead, you’re trying to fix what’s happening right in front of you, or dealing with your past—stressful, I know. Mercury and Mars bump heads on Wednesday. You can take advantage of this by finding a hookup (or calling up your S.O.) and banging out all of the stress!


If you’re dying to DTR or upgrade your relationship, but you’ve been avoiding it on account of Mercury Retrograde, tonight is your one chance to shoot your shot without worrying about the consequences! If you wait until Mercury enters Sagittarius on Saturday, you’ll have missed your shot. There’s not a lot of sexy action going down in your chart right now, but there’s massive romantic potential on Monday. Be kind. Tell people you like them, or that you love them, if you’re ready. Let those walls down, express those feelings, and you’ll be open to receiving love and affection, too.


Although you’re not making a huge amount of progress with your love life this week, you’re still able to have a little fun fooling around! This is a decent time for flirting with friends, starting a FWB situation, or going out and finding yourself a hookup. Commitment? Don’t know her. This week, all you should worry about is having a good time. Just make sure you’re being crystal clear about your intentions with the other person—you don’t want to lead anyone on, do you?


You’re in control this week! Neptune, one of the stars of this week’s astro, is lighting up your sign, and all of its dreamy, romantic powers are being gifted to you. You have a mysterious and magnetic vibe right now and people are just naturally drawn to you. Finding people to link up with isn’t a problem at all; the problem is that you need to decide what you want and which of these potential paramours you can get it from—otherwise, you’ll just spend all this time leading people on and playing games (whether intentionally or not), and you’ll waste the potential of this exciting astro!

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