What happens to all the characters at the end of Netflix's Painkiller?

netflix's painkiller review
How does Painkiller on Netflix end? Netflix

Contains spoilers for Painkiller

The latest series we've been binge-watching on Netflix is six-part drama Painkiller, which explores the emotional and harrowing story of the opioid crisis in the US.

Focusing on a dramatic retelling of the creation and distribution of the drug OxyContin, Painkiller hones in on four central figures, each with their own story to tell in relation to the drug.

There's Richard Sackler (Matthew Broderick), the head of the Sackler family who distribute the drug via their company Purdue Pharma, determined to protect the family name (and bank balance) at whatever cost. Edie Flowers (Uzo Aduba) a lawyer working for the U.S. Attorney's Office who is investigating OxyContin. Glen Kryger (Taylor Kitsch) is a mechanic who becomes addicted to OxyContin after an injury and Shannon Schaeffer (West Duchovny) who is a new recruit in the Purdue sales team.

After six tense and occasionally distressing episodes, a lot goes down for these four main characters. So how do their stories end? This is everything you need to know about the ending of Netflix's Painkiller.

What happens to Richard Sackler at the end of Painkiller?

He's the man who started it all and by episode six everyone is really hoping he will get his comeuppance, but does he?

Sadly not really. After Shannon shares the inner workings of Purdue, the U.S. Attorney's Office are then able to target the highest members of Purdue, who are then terrified they are gong to end up in jail. Whilst they panic Richard says Purdue will take care of them and not to admit to anything.

As they all refuse to cooperate, the case will go ahead to trial, however Richard's colleagues suggest they offer a settlement which Richard refuses and tells them not to do anything. We then see him having what appears to be a massive meltdown, throwing things off his desk and smashing a coffee table. Richard also grapples with the imagined presence of his Uncle Arthur telling him to go to war for the company.

netflix's painkiller ending explained

The trial is set to begin, but before it commences the judge announces Purdue has settled out of court, after Richard's uncle and father called Rudy Giuliani, who then called Congress, who called the White House, who called the DOJ, who then called Edie's boss Brownlee and arranged a deal with him.

Richard is later seen swimming in his pool whilst the ghost of Uncle Arthur berates him about settling out of court. Purdue is allowed to continue making and selling OxyContin.

The episode ends with a time jump to 2019 when it is revealed in the credits Purdue Pharma filed for bankruptcy after multi-state lawsuits and as part of a proposed settlement the Sackler family agreed to pay a settlement of $6 billion.

These statements about the real family are interwoven with the fictionalised scenes of an elderly Richard Sackler, who we saw at the start of the season. Whilst in his grand mansion, the smoke alarm that has been plaguing him all season continues. Richard sits down with the imagined figure of his Uncle Arthur who proceeds to punch him in the face multiple times.

However, this is just in his imagination and the series ends with Richard walking up stairs, whilst the smoke alarm beeps in the background.

What happens to Edie Flowers at the end of Painkiller?

After five episodes of Edie telling her story to the group of lawyers, we finally find out what happens to her.

Edie and her team interview Shannon about her experience at Purdue, and they head to the trial where Edie is hopefully there may be some form of justice served. However, thanks to the Sackler's family connections, the trial is stopped as they have settled out of court.

Edie is obviously distraught at this verdict and is also shocked to find out her team won't even look her in the eyes to convey the truth of what has gone down.

netflix's painkiller ending explained

In the present time Edie cries over the memories of the past and explains it was at this point that she walked away from her job.

But it isn't all doom and gloom for Edie, as after the shock of the trial, she decides to repair things with her brother, Shawn, in prison.

Back in the present, we see Edie leave the lawyer's office and head to a mysterious location, which is then revealed to be her brother's house, as he has now been released from jail. She may not have brought Purdue down, but she does get to heal the bonds with her family.

What happens to Shannon Schaeffer at the end of Painkiller?

At the end of episode five we see Shannon have what appears to be a break through. She snorts some Oxy, and then dives into a pool after realising her colleagues are sleeping with the doctors in order to get more sales. She becomes disenchanted with the whole Purdue system and appears to want something different.

Episode six opens with Shannon heading to meet Edie, where she apologies for how she previously acted towards her and agrees to help her in anyway she can. Shannon heads back to her car and gets all her files and notes from working at Purdue in the hope they can help Edie's case. We then see her telling Edie and her colleagues more of her story.

netflix's painkiller ending explained

The last time we see Shannon is at the court house, where its revealed Purdue has settled out of court. Shannon doesn't have a strong reaction either way to the verdict, and that's the last we see of her.

What happens to Glen Kryger at the end of Painkiller?

If you didn't feel like shouting at the TV, whilst also simultaneously crying, during Glen's scenes then we cannot be friends.

At the end of episode five, similarly to Shannon, it appears Glen has a break through. After a very tough night in which he appears to be going through withdrawals, Glen seems to decide to start his recovery journey.

Episode six gives us what we think is going to be Glen and his family's happy ending. He re-opens the auto-repair shop, tells Tyler none of what had happened was his fault and starts to have family dinners again. His wife Lily even seems to be coming round to the idea of letting him back into their lives properly by giving him a kiss before he leaves.

netflix's painkiller review

However, Glen is currently staying at a motel and is kept up all night by the loud music of his neighbours. He heads over to their room to complain, but inside finds the two occupants have overdosed. Rather than calling 911, Glen sees the pills on the side cabinet and takes them.

The next scene shows him calling Lily, whilst appearing high, telling her he'll get dinner sorted for the evening. After he hangs up he does a line of what is presumably Oxy and head out.

In a convenience store car park, he does another line and quickly overdoses. A number of passerbys try and help him, but he doesn't wake. They call 911, however we never see Glen again, presumably indicating he has passed away from the overdose.

Painkiller is available on Netflix now

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