It's great Adele has talked about post-natal depression - anyone can get it, it's not your fault and you can recover
ROSEY ADAMS loves playing football with her three young children and is delighted that she’s a mum.
But during each of her pregnancies she suffered antenatal depression – then postnatal depression when her babies were born.
She thought having a baby would be the happiest time of her life but, at her lowest point, she had suicidal thoughts.
She admits she missed part of her children’s early lives because she was swamped by the fog of depression.
Now she’s out the other side and wants to give hope to other mums who are suffering.
Rosey, 28, who lives in Perth with Kimberley, eight, Connor, six and Harvey, four, welcomed singer Adele’s words about her own battle after the birth of her son Angelo.
Rosey said: “It’s helpful to hear Adele. You see pristine pictures of celebrities in magazines but it’s nice to know they’re human. Anyone can get PND.”
Postnatal depression is a serious illness that affects 10 to 15 in every 100 new mothers. It has many symptoms similar to depression. Mothers often don’t want to tell anyone what they are experiencing as they feel guilty and think they aren’t good enough for their kids.
For Rosey, the turning point in her recovery came when she launched a support network called PND and Me. It has been short-listed for an award by mental health charity Mind.
“You have to accept it’s not your fault and that you can get better,” she said. “None of us is perfect. For me it’s important to realise I’m a good enough mum. I know I’m doing my best.
“My children won’t necessarily remember what I went through with them. I know I love them and they love me. The memories we’re making now are the important ones.”
When Rosey was pregnant with her first child, she felt scared and resentful. Overwhelmed with emotions and struggling to cope, the then-teenager plunged into antenatal depression. She had previously battled depression – but didn’t realise she was ill again. She said: “I didn’t speak to anyone about how I was feeling during the pregnancy – in fact I hardly spoke to anybody for months.
“I had low moods and felt quite teary. But being a first-time mum, I didn’t know if that was pregnancy hormones or something more.”
Rosey admits she felt so low, she had suicidal thoughts within two months of Kimberley’s birth.
“It wasn’t necessarily about wanting to be dead,” she said. “I just wanted a break from everything going on in my head. It was all too much.
“I felt trapped and resentful about having this baby. I thought I haven’t been able to do all the things teenagers can do. And I wasn’t sleeping.
“I feel dreadful now that I thought that way. But it’s not that uncommon. Lots of mums feel guilty because they want a break from their baby.
“Adele said it made a difference to her getting a break and it’s important not to feel guilty about it.
“As new mums, we look after babies 24/7 and it’s hard work. People underestimate how hard it is – and add in mental illness and it makes it 10 times harder.
“I was very disconnected when Kimberley was born. I was doing everything for her, breastfeeding and changing her. I was going through the motions – but not feeling anything.
“It was like looking at myself through a one-way mirror. I had issues bonding with her. I don’t remember much of her first year.
“Often in the media, you see these lovely pictures painted of perfect motherhood. It’s not like that.
“Women shouldn’t feel guilty if that’s not the way it feels for them and if they do struggle with it. I was aware I was feeling really low and not coping but choosing to brush it under the carpet and say, ‘I’m just tired’. A lot of women do that.”
Rosey eventually saw her doctor when Kimberley was nine months and was prescribed antidepressants, which helped. But she still felt isolated.
She got pregnant with her second child quite quickly but this time had a friend to talk to. That helped – but she still feels she suffered antenatal depression.
Rosey said: “I wasn’t worried about having a second child but I was terrified of having PND.” She coped well after Connor was born – but before he turned one, when she stopped breastfeeding, she hit a low.
“I was aware I needed to get help,” she said, and went back to her doctor who prescribed anti-depressants.
She was well for a while then fell pregnant with Harvey. Rosey said: “My partner at the time was working long hours and I had two toddlers.
“I was exhausted mentally and physically looking after two small children effectively on my own and felt like I couldn’t cope. I had suicidal thoughts.” She was diagnosed with antenatal depression at 28 weeks after a midwife at a routine appointment realised she needed more support.
“I was prescribed antidepressants and going on those saved my life,” she said. “I don’t know if I would have been able to continue with the pregnancy without them.”
After Harvey was born, she was coping well but then when he was almost a year old she was hit by postnatal depression again.
“It coincided with my marriage breaking down and I was back on antidepressants,” she said. But setting up PND and Me helped. On Twitter, she launched #PNDHour every Wednesday from 8 to 9pm, when women could talk online about issues they were facing.
Rosey said: “I’ve connected with amazing people across the UK. Having that kind of sisterhood has made such a big difference.
“I don’t say I’ve helped – but we’ve connected more than 5,500 people in nearly three years. Some people say it’s been like a lifeline.
“It made a big difference knowing I didn’t have anyone to talk to but I can give that to other people.
“It’s helped me to use my negative experience and turn it into something positive. It does make a big difference having that peer support, knowing other people have been through it and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
“When you’re in it, you can’t see it’s ever going to be anything other than really hard. But sharing experience makes such a difference.”
Rosey is now engaged to partner Michael, 30, who’s a historian, and she is training to be a counsellor.
She has learned to accept being ill wasn’t her fault. She said: “For me it’s accepting I didn’t ask to have PND. I didn’t do anything that caused it. It’s an illness and it wasn’t my fault.
“Now we just do the normal things that families do like playing football or walking by the river with the dog. You do those things with PND but you don’t feel joy from them.
“Now I’m out of that PND fog, I do feel joy. I’m living rather than existing.
“The bond I have now with my children is really strong. I appreciate them a lot more after what I went through. I want to show there’s hope for recovery and happiness.”
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