Grandparents, What Are The Biggest Differences You've Noticed Between Your Children's And Grandchildren's Childhoods?

There's no denying that the world is vastly different than it was just as recently as two or three decades ago. From digital differences, such as the prevalence of social media and AI technology, to "real world" differences, such as increased acceptance of certain groups and a focus on being true to oneself, as Bob Dylan said, "the times, they are a-changing" —and no one knows that better than grandparents...

Two women smiling at a baby lying down; one woman touches the baby's hand. They appear joyful and engaged
Ippei Naoi / Getty Images

Grandparents often have a firsthand look at the lives of family members from different generations — and that's particularly noticeable when it comes to their children and grandchildren. Perhaps as you've visited, babysat, or even raised your grandchildren, you've noticed some stark contrasts between their childhoods versus the way your own children (aka their parents) grew up:

Adult and child holding hands, signifying care and connection
Jamie Grill / Getty Images

Maybe you've noticed that as both general screen time and social media usage have become more prevalent, your grandchildren have shorter attention spans and seem to care more about trends and the opinions of others than your children did?

Person lying on a bed with striped sheets, wearing headphones, looking at a smartphone
Martin-dm / Getty Images

Maybe you noticed that your grandchildren are more mature and aware of events happening in the world around them than your children were at the same age? Are they more empathetic or more cynical than the generation before them?

Group of people raising a globe overhead, symbolizing unity and environmental awareness
Alistair Berg / Getty Images

Maybe you've noticed that your grandchildren have fewer friends or more difficulty socializing than your children did?

Child sitting on a wooden pathway, watching other children play on a slide in a park
Yanukit Raiva / Getty Images

Maybe you've noticed a positive change, such as your grandchildren being proud of themselves and their uniqueness rather than hiding certain beliefs, values, or hobbies like other generations? Maybe they're unafraid to speak up about causes that matter to them?

Person with backpack walking on a bridge, wearing sunglasses and a cardigan, while others walk in the background
Dmp / Getty Images

Or perhaps your children have had a more laid-back (or stricter) approach to parenting than you did, affecting your grandchildren more than any generational differences?

Two men and a child sit by a lake, holding fishing rods, engaged in conversation. The scene is peaceful and outdoors
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

No matter what the changes are, we want to hear from you! Which is why I'm asking grandparents: What are the biggest differences you've noticed between your children's and grandchildren's childhoods? Tell us in the comments (or if you would prefer to remain anonymous, you can use this Google Form). Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.