Go beyond 26.2 miles: The ultimate guide to ultramarathon training

idasophie hegemann
How to train for an ultramarathonThe North Face / Mathis Dumas

So you’ve completed the marathon distance (and got the medal to prove it), and now you’re wondering; ‘Why stop at just 26.2 miles?’ If you find yourself craving an even greater challenge, then why not train for an ultra marathon?

If you're not sure where to start, you’re in the right place. We’ve spoken to ultra-marathon athletes Elsey Davis and Ida-Sophie Hegemann to find out everything you need to know – from kit to fuelling – about running an ultra.

What is an ultra marathon?

In the most simple terms, an ultra-marathon is any race that is longer than the marathon distance of 26.2 miles (42.1k). But ultra marathons do vary in distance – ranging from a single-day 50k (31 miles) event to a multi-stage race across hundreds of miles. Unlike road marathons, which are usually run on paved surfaces, ultra-marathons often involve more challenging terrain (from mountains to deserts) and are designed to test both your endurance and mental toughness.

How to train for an ultra marathon

Training for an ultra marathon is both time-consuming and mentally demanding, so once you’ve decided which event you want to enter, you’ll need a well-structured plan that gradually builds your endurance. Here’s how to get started:

Gradually increase your mileage

Start by focusing on building a solid base mileage, gradually increasing your weekly mileage by about 10% each week.

Train on similar terrain

Where possible, try to train on terrain similar to what you’ll experience in the ultra marathon. Don’t have a mountain on your doorstep? Then try to seek out hills – this will help to prepare you for the specific challenges and conditions of the race. ‘I try to mix up long hills and short hills,’ says Elsey, ‘and replicate the hills that will be in the race by running up hills with a similar gradient.’

Switch up your training

Your training schedule should include a combination of running, cross-training, strength training, and rest days. ‘I love doing two runs a day, but I’ve learned from my past experience and health, that it’s more important to do something else other than just running,’ says Ida. ‘So I go on the bike or do aqua jogging.’

Elsey agrees. ‘I cross-train on the bike. My double days usually consist of; running in the morning, and then biking in the afternoon. I also do two big gym sessions a week – which have been built for me by a strength coach, and include leg conditioning for trials specifically.’

idasophie hegemann
The North Face / Mathis Dumas

Practice your nutrition and hydration plan

Experiment with different nutrition and hydration plans during your training runs to find what works best for you (and how much you can stomach). This includes testing different foods, gels and electrolytes. ‘It’s about trying everything and seeing what works,’ adds Ida. ‘I’ll prepare food bags for every aid station, but normally I eat less than I want to or plan to – until last year, I wasn’t even able to eat gels, so I just drank all the carbohydrates in my water. But I’m starting to get better – it’s definitely a process.’

Accept the fear

When running downhill on technical trials, it’s normal to feel a little scared. Ida says; ‘try to take risks and accept that you might fall, but when you do, it’s not so bad.’

‘The more relaxed you are, the easier you’ll flow down,’ adds Elsey. ‘Naturally, you’ll kind of tense up if you’re not used to running down technical trails, and that’s the worst because you put the brakes on and your muscles tense up. So try to be relaxed.’

How long does it take to train for an ultra marathon?

How long you need to train for an ultra marathon very much depends on your current fitness level and which race distance you’re aiming for – if you’re training for a 50k ultra, rather than a 100k or multi-stage race, you won’t need as much time to build up your endurance.

That said, training plans for an ultra marathon tend to range from roughly 16 to 24 weeks. For complete beginners, or those with only limited marathon-distance experience, it’s recommended to factor in at least 18 to 24 weeks of training so you can slowly build up your mileage (and decrease your risk of injury).

Those who consider themselves experienced marathon runners, and already have several marathons under their belt can opt for a slightly shorter training plan, but remember you still want to increase your mileage slowly and incorporate specific training, such as hill training, long runs, strength training – and rest days.

Elsey says she currently runs roughly 50 miles a week, while Ida says she runs between 100k-150k every week – it’s very much up to the individual athlete, and the race you’ve entered.

How do you handle fatigue and mental challenges during an ultra marathon?

Visualise the finish line

Knowing that fatigue and mental challenges will come and go is all part and parcel of ultra marathon running. ‘It’s normal in an ultra race to have ups and downs,’ says Ida. ‘You have highs and lows all the time. I always try to have in mind how nice it will be to have the finish line in front of me. Sometimes I tell myself, "you can stop running tomorrow, you never have to do this again", but in the end, I always sign up for another race.’

Elsey recommends studying the course beforehand, so you can mentally prepare for all of the twists and turns and ups and downs. ‘Then you think: I’ve done this sort of climb before, so I know I can do it. It helps you visualise it.’

idasophie hegemann
The North Face / Mathis Dumas

Get used to running on your own

You can spend a lot of time running on your own during an ultra marathon, so in order to avoid mental fatigue, Ida says you need to get comfortable running on your own. ‘It helps that I enjoy being alone out in nature,’ she says. ‘But I also like listening to podcasts. I usually can’t listen to music on long races, but sometimes I’ll put in a headphone just in the left ear and listen to something after the 50 or 60k mark to help keep me focused.’

Draw inspiration from others

Remember that you’re not alone in facing challenges during an ultra marathon. Draw inspiration from other runners or seek encouragement from fellow participants on the course. ‘I always imagine Jon Albon because he’s really good at going downhill – so just imagine yourself as someone who you know is fast and imagine what their legs are doing. I used to think of Paula Radcliffe or Jo Pavey when I was like running fast intervals, to try and channel their energy,’ says Elsey.

Break it down

Mentally dividing the race into smaller segments or checkpoints can also make the distance feel a little more manageable. So try to focus on reaching the next aid station, landmark, or specific time goal rather than getting overwhelmed by the overall distance.

What gear do you need for an ultra marathon?

Investing in durable gear and reliable equipment is crucial when it comes to running an ultra marathon. Sadly, road shoes just won’t cut it on the mountain edge, so proper trail shoes with lugs and traction are essential for navigating uneven surfaces. A comfortable and well-fitting hydration pack is also key for carrying water and nutrition throughout the race. And everyone needs a lightweight waterproof jacket that can easily be stowed away and then pulled out in changing weather conditions.

Which ultra marathon should you enter?

Choosing the right ultra-marathon to enter depends on several different factors, including your level of experience, preferences (do you want a multi-day challenge or something you can complete in one? Mountains or a combination of road and trails?), and goals (are you looking to set a PB or do you just want to enjoy the experience?).

In the UK, there are lots of great ultra marathons to enter. From Ultra X 110 Scotland – where you spend two days racing around Loch Ness – to Race to the Stones – a 50k or 100k route along the Ridgeway, Britain's oldest path.

Further afield, the Eiger Ultra Trail, in Switzerland packs in a whopping 6,700m of climbing over 101k around a beautiful part of the Swiss Alps, starting and finishing in Grindelwald. While Transgrancanaria, which takes place on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, offers a variety of race distances, including the Transgrancanaria 125k, across some seriously diverse terrain (volcanic landscapes, mountains, and forests).

A word of warning: do remember to thoroughly research each specific race as registration requirements do differ from race to race.


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