Gael García Bernal to be honoured at Día de Muertos celebration

Gael García Bernal is set to receive the inaugural Life and Legacy Award at the upcoming Día de Muertos event in Los Angeles.

The organisers behind the third annual Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration, held on 1 November at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, have created the Premio Vida y Legado (Life and Legacy Award) for this year's event.

The Cassandro star is set to receive the award.

Carlos Eric Lopez, who hosts the yearly dinner, told Deadline in a statement, "I'm honoured to present the inaugural Día de Muertos Award to Gael García Bernal, a true cinematic icon whose brilliant work as both a producer and actor has brought Latino stories to life and given them a space in mainstream culture."

Día de Muertos celebrates the Latino and Mexican tradition of honouring family members who have passed. The Life and Legacy Award will be bestowed in future years to members of the community who have preserved Latino stories.

Organisers also announced the inaugural Abuelita Award, recognising grandmothers with influence. This year's Abuelita Award has been allotted to Carlos's own grandmother, Lola Joann V. Cisneros.