Food intolerance tests: Helpful for identifying gut issues or a money-grabbing gimmick?

food intolerance test
Should you take a food intolerance test? Daisy Daisy

If you’ve treated yourself to any kind of meal out recently, you may have noted that you’re asked – before even placing an order – whether or not you have any allergies or intolerances. Thorough? Absolutely. Necessary? Probably, since food intolerances are thought to be on the rise — and sales of food tolerance tests have sky-rocketed.

Food intolerances are far more common than food allergies and coeliac disease combined, affecting as many as 20% of adults,’ says Dr Megan Rossi, aka The Gut Health Doctor and author of Eat Yourself Healthy. ‘Although they’re not life-threatening, food intolerances can significantly impact your quality of life, as well as your relationship with food – so it’s worth getting on top of them.’

It's likely it’s something to do with how Western lifestyles affect our gut microbiota, according to specialist gut health dietitian Kaitlin Colucci: ‘More time spent indoors, less time in nature can impact the gut microbiota and make it less resilient to infection and intolerances.’

There’s also some reason to believe that antibiotics could be influencing our likelihood of developing intolerances, too. ‘There is good evidence that the more antibiotics someone is given as a child, the more likely they are to have a food allergy, as the antibiotics kill the healthy bacteria that colonise the gut,’ says Colucci.

This dramatic rise in food intolerances has created a huge demand, understandably, for resources – more in-depth knowledge, support in navigating life with food intolerances, and, of course, methods to diagnose them in the first place. Enter: food intolerance tests.

Why are food intolerance tests so popular?

A quick scan of Google Trends tells us that searches for food intolerance testing have increased by 250% since this time last year, and searches for Everlywell – a US brand of food intolerance test – have increased by a massive 700%.

It doesn’t take an expert in analytics to see that food intolerance tests have gone mainstream, being relied upon by thousands to identify and understand their symptoms.

But feedback from those who have actually taken food intolerance tests varies. With some feeling passionately that results have guided them to make positive changes within their diets, while others feel led on and let down.

‘According to [anonymous test name], I’m “intolerant” to pheasant and goji berries. That’s it. Pheasant and goji berries for crying out loud,’ one reviewer wrote online. ‘This has to be the poshest result known to man. If I were a gambler, I’d bet I’m “intolerant” to tarmac and cobwebs too – two other things I’ve also not eaten in a lifetime.’

Applaudable sarcasm to one side, feedback from countless who have taken food intolerance tests begs the question – are they worth it? Can they genuinely offer peace of mind and a tangible route to effectively managing food intolerances? Or, are they merely a money-grabbing gimmick? We asked the experts…

What is a food intolerance?

Quite simply, a food intolerance is a difficulty in digesting certain foods. How many people are affected is hard to tell — Allergy UK approximates up to 20% — but, one thing is for sure: the number of people complaining of food intolerance symptoms (see below) is on the up.

‘The route of food intolerance is the quality of your gut,’ says Dr Gill Hart, biochemist and scientific director at York Test Laboratories.

‘The gut is a very sensitive – but key – organ. It contains 70% of your immune system, the role of which is to protect you. So, when you think about everything you’re bombarding your gut with nowadays, including environmental pollution, antibiotics – and, of course, the food you eat, much of which contains additives and chemicals – it’s not surprising that an increasing number of people are experiencing problems.’

What are the main symptoms of a food intolerance?

If left untreated, food intolerance symptoms can develop into something much more – think chronic inflammation and life-changing conditions such as Hashimoto, IBS, joint pain, unexplained weight gain or weight loss, fibromyalgia, skin problems and MS.

The most common food intolerances

1. Histamine intolerance

Biogenic Amines (aka histamine, tyramine and phenylethylamine) are chemicals that naturally occur in food – particularly wine and cheese. Although most people can tolerate these chemicals, if your digestive system is unable to break them down, it can trigger symptoms such as headaches, rashes, stuffy noses or nausea.

2. Lactose intolerance

This refers to an inability to digest lactose (milk sugar) because of low levels of the enzyme lactase. Symptoms can include bloating, diarrhoea, wind and abdominal pain or discomfort. It is important to note that lactose intolerance is not an allergy, so it is different to a milk allergy.

3. Gluten intolerance

'This is an intolerance to gluten, which is different from coeliac disease (an autoimmune condition which causes damage to the lining of the gut),' says Colucci. 'Symptoms are similar to that of coeliac disease, but there is no damage happening to the lining of the intestine.

This type of intolerance is relatively new to be recognised so there is still a bit of debate as to whether it is caused by gluten or another protein found in wheat.

4. Caffeine intolerance

'Many people find they are sensitive to caffeine which can cause urgent and loose poops, as well as stomach pain, especially in those with an increased sensitivity of the gut, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),' says Colucci.

5. FODMAPs intolerance

'FODMAPs are types of carbohydrates which are fermented by our gut bacteria which produces gas, as well as several other beneficial compounds used all over the body,' Colucci explains. 'In those who have an increased sensitivity of the gut lining (such as those with IBS), this gas production can trigger symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, wind, diarrhoea or constipation.'

What’s the difference between a food intolerance and a food allergy?

'Food allergies involve a whole body immune IgE response and can cause severe, and even life-threatening symptoms such as rashes, hives and difficulty breathing,' explains Colucci. 'Food intolerances do not involve the immune system and cause gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhoea, bloating and stomach pain. Intolerances are not life-threatening.'

If you suspect you have a food allergy, head to your GP and fill them in with your symptoms.

Food allergy

  • Rare – according to Dr Hart, they affect around 2% of the population

  • Severe – antibodies develop immediately following contact with the allergen and can be potentially life-threatening

  • Tends to be limited to one or two foods per person – such as fish, eggs, nuts and cow’s milk

Food intolerance

  • Symptoms develop gradually – perhaps following a couple of hours or even days

  • On average, a few foods will cause problems – Dr Hart says four to five is a common magic number

  • Anything with a protein can be a trigger

How reliable are food intolerance tests?

Of course, rather than buying any sort of kit, you could go to your GP, fill in your symptoms and ask if you can be referred for testing. (If you are experiencing symptoms that do not go away after two to three weeks, this is advised, regardless.)

With regard to the efficacy of food intolerance kits? Depends on who you ask, but many gut health specialists agree that the tests are, at best, a waste of your hard-earned cash and, at worst, potentially damaging to your physical and mental well-being.

'Despite the convincing marketing claims, there is no valid test for food intolerance (lactose is an exception), says Dr Rossi.

What about IgG tests?

‘Take, for instance, the IgG tests. This test involves exposing a sample of your blood to different foods and measuring the resulting antibody (IgG). However, most of us will develop IgG antibodies to food during our lifetime, despite not getting symptoms. This is because IgG is an indicator of repeated exposure, not a food intolerance.’

This approach is clearly flawed, Colucci concurs, as when you eat quite literally anything, your body will trigger an immune response to that food. ‘Whenever we eat any food, our body produces a small level of IgG antibodies to help us digest that particular food. Therefore, these tests often come back with a whole list of foods the patient is intolerant to, but in reality, these are the foods they have most recently eaten or the foods they eat the most of.’

So, the presence of IgG in blood is a marker of tolerance, not intolerance. The fact that these IgG tests have never been used in clinical trials to show their efficacy speaks volumes.

And, as for tests that use other methods to check for food intolerances? Don’t even bother – ‘you cannot tell an intolerance from a hair sample, saliva sample, or by using metal electrodes,’ Colucci says.

If you do decide to trial an at-home food intolerance test, Dr Hart recommends doing your research before investing. ‘There is no regulation of food intolerance testing, so many of those available to buy online, have no science behind them,’ she says. ‘Look for a CE-marked test that meets the requirements of European Directives, an accredited laboratory that is independently audited.’

On the whole, though, the consensus is to steer clear of food intolerance tests full stop. ‘The only way to test for a food intolerance is a hydrogen breath test which can test for lactose intolerance or fructose intolerance,’ says Colucci. ‘All other food intolerances must be diagnosed through an elimination diet.’

The bottom line: Avoid food sensitivity or food intolerance tests you see advertised online. The most effective way to identify food intolerances is through an elimination diet.

The 3R method

Dr Rossi’s recommendation, for discovering if you have a food intolerance? Turn detective and try to figure out what’s triggering your symptoms, yourself, using her 3R Method.

Step 1. Record

Keep a detailed food diary for seven days, or two weeks, if symptoms are less frequent. Try to keep your diet and lifestyle as normal as you can – the purpose of this stage is to identify whether anything you normally eat or do is causing the problem.

Be specific, including condiments like sauces and spreads, and how it was cooked; plus, the duration and severity of symptoms. Log entries in real time for best results – try a smartphone tracker app, so you’ve always got your diary with you.

Step 2. Restrict

This stage takes planning. Avoid restricting food during busy times to make it easier to stick to the restriction. Ensure you know the best alternative foods to include in your diet to ensure it remains nutritionally adequate.

Note: If you have multiple suspected culprits, seek advice from a dietitian before commencing this stage, to avoid the risk of nutritional deficiencies. Plus, if you think you might be intolerant to gluten or wheat, consult your GP to be tested for coeliac disease before excluding it from your diet.

Step 3. Reintroduce

This step is essential to confirm whether the suspect food component really is the cause of your gut symptoms and not just an innocent bystander. It will also help you determine your tolerance threshold.

On day one, start with one-third of your normal portion, and increase by one-third each day, as appropriate. If you do get symptoms, wait until you are symptom-free again before moving on to the other test food.

‘I recommend cutting out the food in question for three to six months, then reintroducing trigger foods gradually,’ says Dr Hart. ‘You might be able to tolerate them again; you might not. It’s about getting to know your own personal cut-off points of how much of a particular food your body can manage.’

What are the risks involved with taking a food intolerance test?

Mostly you're just at risk of being out of pocket by a couple of hundred quid, without receiving reliable results — however, they can set you back a helluva lot more than that. There's also concern that food intolerance tests could trigger physical and mental illnesses – and worsen your relationship with food. ‘People can develop anxiety around food, end up on extremely restrictive diets, and suffer nutritional deficiencies as a result,’ Colucci warns.

Do food intolerances ever go away?

According to Dr Rossi, possibly.

‘Your food intolerance might not be forever,’ she says. ‘So, reassessing your tolerances over time is a good idea. If you find that you can tolerate small amounts of the food, then it is advisable to continue to include the foods up to your tolerance threshold.

‘If you do feel it is necessary to exclude them completely, remember to nourish your body with the other sources of the key nutrients to ensure your diet remains balanced.’

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