First patients in UK to receive new ‘revolutionary’ device to stop acid reflux

The first patients in the UK have had a new device implanted to prevent severe acid reflux disease. Danielle Harding, 30, recently became the first patient with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (Gord) to undergo the procedure at University Hospital Southampton. A UHS spokeswoman said: “The new ‘revolutionary’ device, RefluxStop, is fixed to the upper part of the stomach wall and blocks movement of the lower oesophageal sphincter to hold it in its original, natural position and restore normal anatomy and function. “Made out of medical grade rounded solid silicone, the implant measures around 25mm – smaller than a ping pong ball – and is fitted via robotic-assisted laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery as a day case, with patients in theatre for less than two hours.” The spokeswoman said approximately 20% of the adult UK population have problems with severe acid reflux or Gord and UHS treats about 50 patients with the condition every year.