If you expect your partner to always say sorry first, your relationship might be unhealthy

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Are your relationship expectations unrealistic?twomeows - Getty Images

Expectations get a bad rap in the dating world, but the reality is that most people come into a relationship with some kind of preconceived idea about how they’ll be treated. (Uh, that’s called having standards, thanks!) In fact, it’s actually healthy to have strong boundaries within your romantic pursuits because it shows you value yourself enough that you want to be respected and appreciated.

However, it’s easy for those simple notions to spiral into big, bad, unrealistic expectations. Soon, your S.O. can get lost in the shuffle if you’re too caught up worrying about how the relationship 'should' be going. Both you and your partner’s mental health can take a serious hit trying to live up to some impossible standard.

'You have to remember that they are also a separate person with separate strengths and separate weaknesses,' says Dr. Chloe Carmichael, PhD, psychologist and author of Dr. Chloe's 10 Commandments of Dating. 'And just as you want to be loved and accepted for your whole self, so, too, do they.'

'If your partner isn’t meeting your expectations, it doesn’t mean they’re a flawed partner or that the relationship can’t succeed,' adds Dr. Shawntres Parks, PhD, a licensed marriage and family therapist and relationship coach based in Upland, CA. 'There’s always room for growth in healthy relationships.'

So, if you’ve recently fallen victim to the plight of overhyping expectations, fear not. Below are some of the most common unrealistic expectations within romantic relationships, as well as how to overcome them. Plus, relationship experts share their insight on creating and maintaining healthy expectations that will set your 'ship up for all kinds of success. Read on, but don’t expect a lot—ha, just kidding on that one!

1. You expect your partner to look attractive—always.

Sure, everyone wants to have that butterflies-in-the-gut feeling of seeing their S.O. from across the room that very first time—but, chances are they aren’t quite as sexy after a long day at the office, fresh from a workout, or first thing in the morning. (Bed head happens!) 'Attraction is dynamic,' says Parks, and it’s very normal to change over time. Clinging to the most done-up days won’t just hurt your partner’s ego; it’ll weigh on yours, too.

How to overcome this expectation: Parks stresses the importance of reframing what attracts you to this person. (Let’s be real: you wouldn’t stay with them otherwise!) She encourages you to see what you’re most attracted to now—especially things beyond the physical. Their deep knowledge of all your favourite true crime podcasts? Their quiet confidence when doing their favourite activity? Heck, what about their dorky sense of humour that perfectly matches yours? Once you think carefully about what you really value about someone, you’ll (hopefully!) see that physical attraction is just one small piece of a very large puzzle.

2. You expect to have a certain amount of sex on a regular basis.

'The expectation itself isn't an issue; it's when you and your partner aren't on the same page about it that things get a little messy,' says Carmichael. 'If you assume that sex will be on the table three times a week, no matter what—and they're more along the lines of once a week or, the other extreme, five times a week—one or both of you will likely be disappointed.'

It can be easy early on in a relationship to assume that regular sex is the norm (whatever that means to you), so as soon as the itch starts to fade, you assume the worst. Plus, sex can be a tricky subject, since even the most sensitive discussion could leave you or your boo feeling undesirable or rejected.

How to overcome this expectation: 'Don’t assume that a frequency change (especially a decrease!) means that something is wrong,' says Parks. There are myriad factors that go into sex drive and sex-having, many of which may have nothing to do with you or the relationship. Talk it out with your partner (in an open, non-confrontational way!) and be clear about what you’d like to aim for going forward. As always, it’s a discussion, not a demand.

3. You expect your partner to always plan date night.

In the early stages of seeing someone, it’s fun to feel courted and wooed (listen, who doesn’t love flowers and chocolate?). But once you transition into a long-term relationship, it’s not fair to always leave it to the other person to plan couples activities. 'They, like you, might be missing that spark, and having the pressure of rekindling it likely won't make them feel better,' says Carmichael.

How to overcome this expectation: Angst about date night usually means you’re not seeing the level of romance you want in a relationship overall. 'If you want your partner to be invested [in romance], what are you doing to model that?' asks Parks. And, it doesn’t necessarily have to be built around one night out: Could you bring home surprise flowers when you know they’ve had a rough week at work? Or, can you set aside a whole evening to do their favorite activity or hobby with them? There’s lots of ways to revive your connection—think outside the (chocolate) box, people!

4. You expect your partner to pay for (basically) everything.

It's super important here that you recognise that a norm and an expectation are not the same thing. If you think that, traditionally speaking, a man is supposed to front the bill for every date, holiday, and unexpected expense (say, you share a car and it needs new tires), I encourage you to reconsider why you believe that and what you're really looking for.

It's completely fine if you are someone who wants a partner who is extremely successful on the financial front. But even then, expecting them to whip out their credit card for everything may not only make them feel taken for granted, but also could mean you have to be more flexible in other areas. For example, you can't expect them to have unlimited funds and unlimited available time to spend with you.

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5. You expect your partner to spend all their free time with you.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to spend some QT with your cutie (especially if that's your love language), but when the immediate expectation is for them to be with you 24/7, you’re setting your relationship up for failure. Plus, it means that you will have less time to build your own life separate from them, and stay connected to all the things that make you, you!

How to overcome this expectation: 'Relationships tend to prosper when both people maintain a level of independence within their own individual lives,' says Carmichael. 'It creates a healthy amount of distance that breeds desire for closeness.' Try picking up a new hobby or pastime that’s exclusively yours—that way, if you find yourself missing your partner, dive into your new activity as a fun distraction. Or, when your partner is off doing their own thing, scroll through your contacts and find some old friends to reconnect with. Chances are, a few nights apart will give you some great perspective and you can jump right back into time together.

6. You expect your partner to apologise first.

'It’s very unreasonable to expect a person to always apologise, despite the nature of the conflict,' says Parks. It can be easy to slip into the pattern of always retreating and waiting for your partner to come and smooth things over, but that’s unfair to both parties. 'The hard truth is, there's no guarantee that your person will stand by your side forever,' says Carmichael. 'So, don't treat them as such and avoid doing your own work to better your bond.'

How to overcome this expectation: As tough as it can be, you need to be willing to be the first one to come forward after a fight. You don’t necessarily have to say, 'It was all my fault'—it takes two to argue, after all. But just taking initiative to start the conversation will be something your partner deeply appreciates and will benefit your relationship long-term.

7. You expect them to have no friends of the gender they're attracted to.

Jealousy is a natural part of any relationship, romantic or otherwise. It’s easy to see your partner with a group of friends they could be attracted to and worry about them being unfaithful. 'The unmet need is a feeling of security and trust,' says Parks. But that's no excuse to try and dictate who your partner is 'allowed' to spend time with.

How to overcome this expectation: 'Create inclusivity in those relationships,' says Parks. 'Maybe start to become friends with your partner’s friends, to increase that sense of security.' By spending time with some of your partner’s friends, you’ll be able to see very quickly how platonic they really are. Plus, you may make some new buddies of your own!

8. You expect that your life takes precedent.

Everyone gets caught up in the minutiae of their own lives—heck, that’s just being human! But if you’re constantly putting your own issues and problems ahead of your S.O.’s, then that’s not an equal partnership. It can be easy to make excuses as to why you’re both celebrating the holiday at your family’s place this year, or why your work trip trumps their weekend with friends. But assuming they're okay with these arrangements without checking in and making sure they feel valued means you’re just leaving them in the dust.

How to overcome this expectation: As always, keep the lines of communication very open. You might be surprised at what they value when it comes to some of these issues—maybe they don’t care where they spend the holidays, but that getaway with friends is uber important. Talk through each hiccup as they come up, and show that you want their input before making decisions that affect the both of you.

9. You expect your partner to take care of things around the house.

Or, maybe they’re the one always leaving dirty dishes in the sink. Either way, whether you live together or just spend a lot of time having sleepovers, it’s important that both of you respect your shared space. Always sitting back and hoping someone else will pick up the socks—er, I mean, slack—means someone will end up feeling taken for granted.

How to overcome this expectation: 'Research shows that relationships and marriages flourish when there's a more even division of labor [around household chores],' says Carmichael, 'so try to come up with a system where neither of you feels like you 'do it all.'' Maybe have a discussion about your favorite and least favorite housework, so neither person is saddled with their most dreaded task. (Me personally? Anyone who unloads the dishwasher is my new favorite human.)

10. You expect your partner to always take your side.

'There's a difference between expecting your partner to have your back and expecting them to always take your side,' says Carmichael. 'One is a matter of support, the other (the latter) is a matter of agreement.' It’s very reasonable to want a person to be there for you through difficult issues and tough times, but no two people will ever agree on everything. If your expectation is that your partner never has critiques, you’re likely to be let down.

How to overcome this expectation: This issue is twofold: First, are you letting your partner know the best way they can be there for you? Would you rather they just let you vent, or do you genuinely want honest feedback? Let them know this before you’re angry or frustrated, so they feel equipped to respond in a way that’s helpful. Then, Carmichael recommends reframing your expectation to something like: 'I expect my partner to take my side, but I also expect that they’ll feel safe to let me know if there’s something I can't see in my blind spot.'

11. You expect your partner to read your mind.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to feel in lock-step with your partner, able to anticipate each other’s needs and desires. However, expecting some mind-reading magic for every issue will leave you wanting and, ultimately, disappointed. 'One of the things that’s really problematic is there’s no grace for the fact that we’re dynamic as humans,' says Parks. 'There’s no space for themselves or their partners to change when they have that fixed expectation that their partner should always anticipate how they’ll respond.'

How to overcome this expectation: Sure, you’ll definitely have moments throughout your relationship where you just know what your partner is thinking and vice versa, but don’t have that be the baseline. There’s nothing wrong with talking out a problem or explicitly telling someone what you want or need. The real magic comes when you both take the time to listen, and make sure everyone feels heard.

12. You expect your partner to fill every void in your life at all times.

There are a lot of roles you can take on in a romantic relationship—from confidante to therapist to sexual partner. And it can be a challenge to juggle all of them at once! When you expect your partner to not only be able to play each role perfectly but also know exactly when and how to do so, chances are there will be some mistakes. Not to mention, it's exhausting.

How to overcome this expectation: 'You’ve most likely had people in your life who contributed to your life before your partner—whether that’s mentally, emotionally or physically,' says Parks. 'Look at your partner as a supplement to what is already a thriving life.' And, what if you don’t consider your life to be 'thriving'? Make sure you put in the time and effort to get there, separate from your partner.

Whew, now that we have those clearly defined—time to dig into some healthy expectations to have in a relationship.

1. You make time for each other.

This should go without saying, but just to be crystal clear: That doesn’t mean every! waking! second! needs to be with your partner. Still, the act of clearing out space in your schedule for someone can be just as important as what you end up doing together. Whether it’s setting aside a specific evening for date night, or just sending some encouraging texts throughout the day, prioritise making each other feel valued, says Parks.

2. You support each other’s interests.

You don't have to get into live action role-playing, board games, powerlifting, or crochet just 'cuz your partner is (though wouldn’t that make you well-rounded!), but make sure you take an interest in what the other is doing. Even if it’s just asking to explain how a game works, or responding with encouragement when you’re each speaking about something you love, make sure you both feel like the other person cares about how you spend your time.

3. You communicate through conflict.

It’s a tough thing to accept, but conflict not only will but 'should happen in a relationship,' says Parks. How you deal with it is a little more nebulous. 'Naturally, there will be points where perspectives aren’t in alignment,' she adds. 'In a relationship, you should be able to talk through that when it occurs.' View every argument as a chance to practice this—with mutual respect and inside voices.

4. You hold each other accountable.

This can look like a lot of different things, but according to Parks, it’s about definition before expectation. 'It’s holding people accountable to the things they say they’re going to do,' she says. If you and your partner have never discussed an expectation, neither of you can be expected to meet it. However, if you’ve both discussed something—how many date nights you’ll go on, how you’re splitting chores, who’s making dinner—and someone is regularly not meeting those criteria, then it’s time to have a conversation.

5. You talk about your expectations.

Yes, that’s right, the expectations themselves! Parks says that discussing the relationship itself is important—and that goes far beyond the initial DTR. 'Have a conversation to define what the relationship is, and constantly have conversations about what are the honest and specific expectations around this relationship,' recommends Parks. 'That should be an ongoing dialogue—these conversations should happen at regular intervals, because expectations should and will change.'

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