The ‘face-off’ sex position is intimate as hell. Here's how to try it

face off sex position
The ‘face-off’ sex position is intimate as hellMiguel Sotomayor - Getty Images

Ready for some serious intimacy, next time you're getting down? Then may we introduce you to the 'face-off' sex position.

Now, be warned: while you don't need to have elite gymnast levels of skill to make this one happen, you do need to be into eye contact. But, if gazing at another person turns you on, rather than making you want to awkwardly shuttle out of the room, then it promises to create a super-hot connection with the person you're sharing bedroom time with. Dialling up the emotional vibe can be sexy, no?

(Note: while this refers to sex between a woman or a person with a vagina, and a man or a person with a penis, there is obviously no reason why any gender pairing, with the right accessories, can't have a great time with this move.)

Here's how to get involved.

Get into the face-off sex position

One partner sits at the edge of the bed, or on a chair or sofa. Feet should be planted and legs can be a little apart. The other then straddles them, facing forward – this is typically easiest if the latter's legs are wrapped around the former.

Now, you can grind on one another, have one person thrust up for penetration, get super handsy, and see how long you can gaze into each other's eyes. Intimate? It sure as hell is.

What's the benefit of the face-off sex position?

You’re in control of the angle and depth of the entry and thrust. Plus, being seated provides support – necessary for a marathon sex-session.

What does the face-off sex position mean?

Nothing complex. The face-off sex position simply means getting down as described above: the penetrating partner sitting at the edge of a bed, chair, sofa or wherever feels good and the receiving partner straddling them, facing forward.

What's a next-level move for the face-off sex position?

Let your fingers (and hands) do the talking. Once seated, you can put your hands anywhere on your body or theirs to make things more interesting. Use their hands (or your own) to stimulate your clit for next-level sensations.

Can't figure it out? Picture this:

the face off sex position
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