Everything you need to know about putting up your Christmas tree

Everything you need to know about putting up your Christmas tree

With Christmas around the corner, many of us are getting excited about the upcoming festive period-full of seasonal cheer, mistletoe, quality family time, festivities and feasting.

While there are so many wonderful British traditions associated with the festive season, the real one that sticks out to us is buying a real Christmas tree. Known for filling your living room or hallway with that gorgeous piney scent and smothered in twinkly lights, tinsel and wonderful baubles, a Christmas tree is the finishing touch to your Christmas decorations.

With each year that passes, Christmas trees seem to going up earlier and earlier. Traditionally, the Christmas tree went up on the 22nd of December and marked the start of the advent festivities. Wrapped presents were stashed under it and kept safe until the big day. But, fun fact: in recent years, the last weekend of November has become an increasingly popular date to put the Christmas tree up, although it, of course, varies from family to family.

Whether your family opts for real or artificial, or decks the tree with tinsel or baubles, here's everything you need to know about when to put up your Christmas tree and how to care for it throughout December. With a little bit of Christmas history along the way, too.

when should you put your christmas tree up
John Lewis

When did the Christmas tree first come to the UK?

Before the 19th century, Brits didn’t even put up a Christmas tree. Victorian history books reveal that Queen Victoria’s husband Prince Albert was the first to bring one to the UK. He did so around the 1840s, gifting a spruce-fir to his wife after a visit to Germany.

The trend soon caught on, with families up and down the UK uprooting firs and covering them in decorations such as tinsel, lights, and baubles. Prior to that, families typically hung greenery such as ivy and holly around the house in celebration.

"Trees were originally a German tradition," says Hannah Fleming, curator at the Geffrye Museum. "Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were responsible for popularising it—see the illustration of the Queen, Prince Albert and their family decorating their own tree."

when should you put your christmas tree up
getty images

When should I put up my Christmas tree?

Well, traditionally, Christmas decorations wouldn’t be put up until the last possible moment. This trend continued into the Victorian times with the tree, too.

"As above, the tree would go up no earlier than the 22nd or 23rd December, and quite often on Christmas Eve," Hannah explains.

Why? Well, as doctor Martin Johnes, author of Christmas and the British: A Modern History (£17.31, amazon.co.uk) explains, putting your decorations up sooner, rather than later, was traditionally meant to bring bad luck.

Nowadays, traditions have shifted a little, with people buying their trees earlier and earlier. "Originally the Christmas tree was put up on Christmas Eve and left up until Twelfth Night but very few families follow this tradition now," explains Chris Craig, co-founder of Christmas at Home UK (@christmasathomeuk) and director and second generation grower at Stagsden Christmas Trees (stagsdenchristmastrees.co.uk). "For the 30 years we've been selling trees, the majority buy them roughly two weeks before Christmas. However, in the last couple of years, we’ve sold more trees at the end of November to coincide with the beginning of advent as people’s traditions change."

when should you put your christmas tree up
John Lewis

Why do we put our Christmas trees up earlier now?

Hannah thinks it might be to do with commercialisation. She says there isn’t a specific period when we started putting up Christmas trees earlier but it happened over time, although it is, she says, a 20th-century occurrence.

"This move earlier was partly due to commercial trends that saw more advertising of Christmas in November, but also due to the introduction of needle-retentive varieties of fir tree from Scandinavia," explains Chris. That would make sense—if you can buy a tree earlier without all the needles dropping off come Christmas day, you’ll get to enjoy your decorations for longer.

Whatever your thoughts on when to put up your Christmas tree, rest assured, it varies from family to family and is simply personal preference. Put your tree up whenever makes you and your family happiest.

when should you put your christmas tree up
John Lewis

Are there any benefits to putting your tree up earlier?

"There are definitely benefits to putting up your Christmas tree early", shares interior influencer Ness Hancock (@creativedesignseeds). "Research has found that it can improve your mood, and a study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology concluded that those who decorate the outside of their house come across as more friendly."

Ness explains that surrounding yourself with small things that bring you joy, like a Christmas tree and decorations, can really help to boost your mental health throughout the busy December period.

"Christmas always provides a reason for celebration and a relaxing welcomed break, so it’s understandable that people are looking forward to it and are starting to plan for it earlier and earlier each year," she explains.

But what about putting your tree up super early—say the end of November? "Decorating your home early can create that neurological shift, a spike in the feel-good hormone dopamine which can produce happiness. If putting up your Christmas tree early will bring you a little extra joy, why not," she adds.

And Chris agrees, adding: "Christmas is about family, love, and togetherness. The tree is the physical symbol of these values and having this reminder in our homes is a wonderful gift."

when should you put your christmas tree up
John Lewis

Expert shares top tips for looking after your Christmas tree

Worried you’ll put your Christmas tree up too early and risk it wilting pre the big day? Here, Owner of Christmas tree company Pines and Needles (pinesandneedles.com), Samuel Lyle, shares his top tips for making sure your tree stays in good shape.

NB: Real Christmas trees last for around five weeks if you follow the steps below and look after them correctly, so putting it up at the end of November shouldn’t be too risky.

"We still find that people aren’t aware of the care their tree needs," Samuel explains. "Cutting the bottom 3cms off your tree once you get it home is vital, as is watering it. Amazingly, trees need around three pints of water a day, especially if the central heating is on full blast."

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about caring for your Christmas tree this year, including where to place it in your home.

How to care for my Christmas tree:

1. Let your tree relax

"Christmas trees are pretty hardy so they will happily sit in a bucket of water outside your door for two or three days before you bring it in," he explains. "In fact, we'd always recommend letting your tree have a relax outside before you bring it in, once you've snipped away the netting." Why? To let it settle. Neat.

2. Water your Christmas tree lots

Fun fact: your tree needs around two to three pints of water a day. "Your Christmas tree will need to drink more than you do this Christmas, so give it around two (to three) pints of water a day and it will be as happy as Larry."

Not sure how to water your tree? Place your tree in plain water - not soil or sand which would block the pores in the bark. A specially designed Christmas tree stand is best. Note here: it’s important to keep the water topped up, as once the water level drops below the tree’s trunk, sap will re-seal the bark within a few hours. This will prevent the tree from drinking any further water, even if you then re-fill the Christmas tree stand at a later date.

3. Prepare the trunk

You’ll likely to know this, but do you know how much to saw off? "Just before you install your tree, saw off the bottom 1" (3cm) of the trunk," shares Samuel. This creates a fresh cut and opens up the pores in the bark, which otherwise can block up with sap within a few hours of being cut. "The tree is then able to drink water through these pores via capillary action," he explains.

4. Keep it away from any heat sources

Obvious, but essential. "Position your Christmas tree away from any heat sources such as radiators and fireplaces," Samuel instructs. Why? Well, because heat will dry out your tree faster. "The further from potentially damaging heat sources the better, the fresher your tree will remain."

5. Be mindful of timing

Try not to expose your tree to sudden changes in temperature. "Trees, like most people, are creatures of habit and prefer steady conditions," explains Samuel. "Plus, it’s important to remember that trees are natural living things. Once they are cut, they begin to die. They’ll last for around five weeks. Make sure to time the arrival of your tree with this in mind so you can get the most out of it."

Not sure how to decorate your Christmas tree this year, we've rounded up our favourite Christmas decorations on the high street this year from John Lewis, Marks & Spencer, H&M Home and more.

We can't wait to put our Christmas trees up.

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