England 1990 World Cup star auctioning collection of prized tournament shirts

A unique collection of football shirts amassed by an England star during the Italia 1990 World Cup tournament is being offered for sale for the first time ever.

The seven shirts - described as 'the magnificent seven' by Hansons Auctioneers - have a guide price of £150,000-£250,000 in total. The football legend who is selling the shirt's name has not been revealed for reasons of client confidentiality.

Six of the shirts were exchanged with opposition players who competed against England in one of the most memorable World Cup tournaments of all time.

In addition, the yellow shirt worn by goalkeeper Peter Shilton during England's heartbreaking penalty shoot-out against West Germany in the semi-finals is available.

Signed by the England squad, its estimate is £40,000-£50,000. The shirts were worn or match-issued to Andy Townsend, Republic of Ireland; Johannes van 't Schip of Holland; Sader Eid, Egypt; Marc van der Linden, Belgium; Emmanuel Kunde, Cameroon; Klaus Augenthaler, West Germany, and Giuseppe Giannini, Italy.

Charles Hanson, the owner of Hansons, said: "This is the first time a complete and unique set of football shirts relating to England's Italia 1990 tournament have been available to buy. Peter Shilton's shirt is equally iconic. He gave it away to our vendor in the dressing room after the pain of that penalty shoot-out defeat against West Germany.

"Due to client confidentiality we cannot reveal which former England star is parting with his collection. However, he played a crucial role in Italia 1990 and enjoyed a stellar career in football."