Emily Blunt's training regime for The Fall Guy actually sounds pretty fun

emily blunt wears orange sequin dress
Emily Blunt's PT dishes the star's workout routineJon Kopaloff//Getty Images

Whether she's donning an armoured suit in Edge of Tomorrow, travelling in on a wire for Mary Poppins or bossing a fight scene in her new movie, The Fall Guy, Emily Blunt's career requires her to be in great shape – and luckily, she has a brilliant long-time personal trainer, Monique Eastwood, to help her hit any strength and fitness goals.

Monique and Emily have worked together for almost ten years, after the former slid her CV across the production desk of Edge of Tomorrow, and ever since Emily (along with the likes of Anne Hathaway and Stanley Tucci) became a disciple of the Eastwood Movement Method. "I think my background in dance and my movement resonated with what they needed," the trainer says. "My method is very much about agility, mobility and flexibility, all that strong multi-directional stuff. [Emily and I] just hit it off and connected. I'd say 'what stunts are you doing?' and she'd show me, then I'd be able to see what I needed to do to strengthen her body."

And Emily is clearly her number one fan, with the actor telling Cosmopolitan UK, "I run to my emboldening sessions with Monique – she’s become completely essential to centring my day and feeling inspired! The readiness she gives me and my body for taking on any role, whether it's horseback riding or stunts or fight scenes has been invaluable because her workouts are so performance-based, rather than being body conscious."

But what is the Pilates and dance-inspired Eastwood Movement Method that Emily Blunt loves – and what does her workout routine actually look like? What self-care hacks does she use for keeping in the best shape whilst on set? And what do we know about the actor's eating habits?

We chatted to Emily's PT to learn more (oh! and PS: whilst it's always fun to nosey at what celebs get up to in the gym and to cherry-pick bits to jazz up your own routine, it's worth saying that every body shape and size is worthy of love and respect... and that two people could follow the exact same plan and emerge looking totally different. Which is something to celebrate!).

Now, without further ado, here's what we know about Emily's fitness regime and diet...

What is Emily Blunt's workout routine?

Consistency is key

When her schedule permits, Emily works out 4 to 5 times a week with Monique (for about an hour at a time) – but even when things get a little crazy schedule-wise and she's on the road, Emily stays committed to moving her body (and she also continued to work out during both of her pregnancies).

"She is so consistent, and disciplined. If she's on a film or doing press, it's very different and I'm on call when she needs me," the PT reveals. "We'll meet in a hotel for half an hour, or an hour, and just work out wherever we can. And if not, because her timezone doesn't fit with mine, Emily uses the Eastwood Fit app. She knows how to do my methods, so it doesn't matter where she is really."

In a recent BBC interview with her The Fall Guy co-star, Ryan Gosling, Emily even joked that she "squeezed in a half hour of Pilates" whilst everyone else on their promotional tour was taking a nap.

Pilates and dance-inspired workouts

Given Monique's dance background, the workouts she creates for Emily are often inspired by similar movements. If you think about a squat for instance, you likely imagine it's just an up and down movement – but Monique says "with me, being a ballerina, I don't want to just go up and down. I want to get into all the muscles in the pelvis and the legs, and get your brain to work simultaneously as the body moves".

She continues, "So I'll go from a side lunge, into a squat into a leg kick – that way the inner thigh muscles are stimulated, as are the pelvic muscles and glutes." It's also about developing a brain-body connection, Monique adds, as your brain has to think about shifting the body from the left, to the centre, to the right.

Emily also has her own Reformer Pilates machine at home, Monique says. "She has a Reformer machine at her house, so when she's home it's a lot easier to programme in what I'm going to do with her."

Never skip a stretch

In preparation for The Fall Guy, Emily made sure to prioritise stretch and recovery, as well as her usual mix of HIIT and strength sessions. "In the movie there's a scene where Emily runs and the energy is quite intense. She had to look agile and have that lean, long, strong powerful body," Monique says. "We maintained her with the typical mix [of workouts], along with more explosive movements and stretching... But you need that recovery day, otherwise it's just too much for your your cell rejuvenation."

Focus on a strong core and pelvic floor

Doing linked movements is also a great way of switching on your core, says Emily's trainer. "It's activating your core without even thinking; dancers don't do hundreds of sit-ups, we are just moving in different directions, and that's how our bodies becomes toned and controlled. Learning that control as you move gives you that poise, agility and graceful movement."

emily blunt in a crop top with strong abdominal muscles on red carpet
Emily at the 2024 SXSW festival, promoting The Fall GuyRick Kern - Getty Images

It helps her on set too. "I do a couple of fights," Emily revealed when discussing her new movie. "I adore a fight scene, and I'm very game. But [as for the kind of stunts that] Ryan did – I’m like, 'nope!' That thing he did off the top of that building? I was like, 'That's a solid no for me'."

HIIT it!

On the cardio front, Emily isn't shy about getting stuck into a HIIT (high intensity interval training) class with Monique. "My HIIT classes are cardio bursts, we do jumping up and down, but I'm quite careful with what I do to bring your heart rate up," Monique explains. "I don't do burpees because of backs and landing on your toes, I'm careful about how I jump people and I really want you to feel it in the pelvis, to get the strength from the right muscles, rather than your knees wobbling all over the place as you jump."

The trainer adds that she also encourages those who are capable to add in weights as well, "that way you really get your heart rate up".

Telling Cosmopolitan about their sessions, Emily shared that "[Monique is] as good at pushing me as she is at accepting my groans of protest, which she somehow still gets me to plié, squat, plank and jump my way through! And she makes me laugh – which we all need more than anything."

What do we know about Emily Blunt's diet?

It's all about balance

Life is all about balance, right? And that means the odd slice of cake or a margarita is still very much on the table, explains Monique. "I would say that the 90% of our days and our lives are geared around health, discipline and being nutritious, but we have a margarita together too, because that's what normal people do!" Apparently Emily also has a mean carrot cake recipe that she's happy to share, featuring maple syrup.

She does an excellent roast dinner

Emily's potatoes are so famed, her recipe even went viral back in 2020. Chatting to cook Ina Garten about her love of a roast, the actor said: "The usual routine is that you start at around 2pm and it goes on until 7. It is a long meal. You do not rush through it. It is wine-fuelled… I couldn't believe it when everyone loved the roast potatoes I did on your show because I was like, 'Have people never had these before?' This was like a staple of my diet."

How does Emily Blunt practice self-care?

Breathing techniques

If you struggle to sleep, maybe it's time to give Emily's favourite breathing techniques a go before bed – a trick she learnt from Monique. "There's a breath pattern I do that helps her to get to sleep sometimes, it's part of my Power/Stretch class," the expert explains. "A lot of yogis do it, where you breathe in for four, hold the breath for four, and then let go for four or let go for eight.

"When Em is doing lots of press or she's busy, rushing around, you can imagine [that leads to] elevated cortisol, so it's really important to bring that breath pattern in to help calm the parasympathetic nervous system down."

Monique Eastwood is an A-list trainer to stars including Emily Blunt, Stanley Tucci and Anne Hathaway. She is also the founder of the Eastwood Movement Method and Eastwood Fit App.

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