Eat Your Way To A Brighter Smile: 10 Foods To Whiten Your Teeth
Certain foods can help you get a brighter smile [Photo: Rex Features]
If you want pearly whites to give Rylan a run for his money you know the drill. Cut the coffee, curry and absolutely no red wine. Snore! But did you realise there are some foods that can actually brighten your gnashers? So if you fancy keeping up with the Kardashians in the smile stakes but can’t afford the Hollywood dentist price tag, try munching on one of these every day foods instead. Ting.
1) Strawberries
You won’t want them within three feet of your new white, spring jeans (unless of course they’re the new stain-free variety we reported on this week), but though they might ruin your clothes, strawberries are actually surprisingly good at whitening your teeth. “As strawberries contain malic acid (natures natural teeth whitener) they can gently remove the surface stains that make your teeth look dark and aged,” says Sandeep Senghera, Head of Dentistry for “Strawberries also have the added benefit of ellagitannins, antioxidants that can help reduce stain-attracting bacteria and inflammation in your mouth,” adds a spokesperson for premium teeth whitening toothpaste brand, BlanX.
There are worst ways to whiten your teeth [Photo: Rex Features]
2) Broccoli
Unlike some tooth-unfriendly veggies (we’re looking at you beetroot!), this crunchy vegetable doesn’t stay stuck to your pegs, so it won’t cause unsightly surface stains. “Plus the iron in broccoli has the added benefit of creating a wall of protection for tooth enamel that protects against bacteria,” explains a spokesperson for BlanX. Go raw for the best cleansing action—the florets will help scrub the surface of teeth.
3) Cauliflower
“This fibrous food needs lots of chewing which is a trigger for saliva production. As this saliva flows over your teeth it washes away any discolourations that build up on the surface of the enamel,” advises Sandeep Senghera.
4) Carrots
The same high water content that makes these great for your waistline also helps them whiten your teeth by stimulating saliva production, which helps in washing away food debris and strengthening gums. Winning.
‘Bet Kim Kardashian didn’t go through this many carrots to get her Hollywood smile?’ [Photo: Rex Features]
5) Pineapple
“Pineapple is the only food that naturally contains bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties,” says a tooth whitening expert from BlanX. Pina colada anyone?
6) Cheese
“Cheese helps keep your teeth strong as it is high in calcium and protein that protects tooth enamel, the lactic acid also helps prevent tooth decay,” says BlanX’s tooth whitening expert. “Chewing hard cheese helps stimulate saliva which helps clean the teeth.” Skip the sticky toffee and order a cheese board instead.
7) Yoghurt
Works in a similar way to cheese, but is a less fattening alternative. “Yoghurt contains calcium and phosphorus which helps speed the neutralization of acid and remineralisation of enamel. Less damage to our enamel equals fewer discolourations,” says Dr Sameer patel – Clinical Director at Elleven dental.
An apple a day keeps the dentist away [Photo: Rex Features]
8) Apples
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and the dentist it seems. “As apples need to be chewed for a while, they encourage saliva flow and help wash away particles that build up on your teeth,” advises Sandeep Sanghera.
9) Celery
Not just for dunking in humus or stirring your bloody mary. “The process of chewing tough, fibrous foods like celery are healthy for your overall health and great at keeping your teeth white and gums healthy,” says Sandeep Sanghera of celery’s tooth whitening properties.
This is a funny looking toothbrush [Photo: Rex Features]
10) Popcorn (yes really!)
“Along with apples and celery, popcorn is known as a ‘detergent’ food because the rough edges act as a cleaner to remove bacteria from the teeth,” advises Dr Sameer patel – Clinical Director at Elleven dental. “Try to make these the final foods you eat in your meal if you know you won’t be able to brush your teeth right after eating.”
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