Drink up: How to stay hydrated during winter
It’s no surprise that our cold winter climate takes its toll on your skin. The chilly air makes it dry and patchy, inspiring daydreams of warmer summer days. Your skin isn’t the only thing suffering during these winter days — your internal organs are also noticing the change in season. Your body requires water to function and these colder months may seem to zap any extra moisture from your body, requiring a bit of extra work in the hydration department. Drinking water and keeping hydrated can help boost your immune system, regulate body temperature and increase your metabolism — and that’s reason enough to make it a priority when temperatures drop below zero.
While drinking water will always be the best way to hydrate, there’s a few other ways you can ensure your body isn’t suffering from dehydration. If you struggle to drink enough water each day, the following list will complement your daily goal of fitting in your recommended eight glasses of water.
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