Half of coupled-up people say current partner is 'worst sex they've ever had'
It would be reasonable to think that most sex gets better with time, after spending years becoming aware of your needs and preferences, as well as those of others — particularly if you're in a long-term relationship.
However, a survey has revealed that half of coupled-up people say their current partner is the worst sexual encounter they've ever had.
The research, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of intimate lifestyle brand Lelo, also found that one in five admitted that they'd had more than ten bad instances of intercourse in their lives.
This suggests that they aren't merely looking at the past in a positive light — perhaps pining for the days when they were single — but that their present other half really isn't igniting their desire.
Read more: How to overcome intimacy anxiety - and have better sex
Interestingly, a surprising 69% of those questioned deemed good and bad sexual encounters equally unforgettable.
The pollsters — who surveyed 2,000 people living in the US — discovered that awkwardness and injuries led to negative experiences in the bedroom.
Sara Kranjcec Jukic, Lelo’s global brand manager, noted that communication, including the ability to laugh things off, is the key to spicing things up.
Speaking to Metro.co.uk, she said: "Doggy-style injuries, stopping mid-way because you had to pee, that moment when you regretted your exhibitionism — all of these are a part of every person’s sex life.
Read more: Midlife women are happiest with their sex lives, study finds
"The more these stories are shared in a non-judgemental and humourous way, the more fun will everyone have."
Kranjcec Jukic added: "Life isn’t a movie — sex between real people is always awkward to some degree, and no one can escape it, so it’s completely unreasonable to be ashamed of it."
She suggested that the best sex happens when people listen to their own bodies as well as their partner, and stopped taking the act so seriously.
But if you feel anxiety about getting intimate, it's totally normal — research by dating app Badoo found that 63% of single people now feel nervous at the thought of sex after a year of lockdowns.
Being honest and taking a break can both help, and so can going solo when it comes to pleasure.
However, there is hope — a study recently found that midlife women are happiest with their sex lives.