Christian Walker Gives Dad Herschel Walker Brutal Beatdown On Twitter After Loss

Christian Walker, Herschel Walker’s son, delivered a bone-crunching hit on his father’s football-to-politics career Tuesday after the elder Walker lost his Georgia Senate runoff to incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock.

The young Walker, who emerged as one of his father’s fiercest critics during the race, castigated both his dad and Republicans on Twitter.

Walker, the former NFL star backed by Donald Trump, was plagued by scandals during the campaign. He lied about his credentials, spoke incoherently at times and had his anti-abortion platform compromised by accusations that he pressured women into having abortions. Domestic abuse allegations leveled by Christian Walker’s mother also resurfaced.

The young Walker called him out for all of it.

“Don’t beat women, hold guns to people’s heads, fund abortions then pretend you’re pro-life, stalk cheerleaders, leave your multiple minor children alone to chase more fame, lie, lie, lie, say stupid crap, and make a fool of your family,” he wrote. “And then maybe you can win a Senate seat.”

Christian Walker, a conservative, blasted Republicans for choosing his father to vie for high office.

“We say we don’t play ‘identity politics’ and then you ran this man mainly because he was the same skin color as his opponent with no background other than football,” the son wrote. “A boring old Republican could have won.”

Herschel Walker and Christian Walker
Herschel Walker and Christian Walker

Herschel Walker and Christian Walker

Christian Walker raised many of the same issues in October:
