Your Chiron sign is the (astrological) key to self-growth

Even though I've always been casually into astrology, my real spiritual awakening was first triggered by a desire to heal. I just didn’t know where to start or what to do. So, I picked up my first Tarot deck and sat down for a birth chart reading—and that’s when I learned about my Chiron placement.

Also known as the 'wounded healer,' the Chiron sign represents all the trauma and hurt you’re meant to heal during your lifetime—and also offers some insight into how, exactly, to do just that. But Chiron doesn’t just tell you about your pain; it also teaches you how to heal it. 'It's very validating for people to know their [Chiron] placement,' explains Narayana Montúfar, an astrologer and author of Moon Signs.

Once I knew that my Chiron was in Scorpio, for example, I knew that meant that my healing would involve 'confronting fears of intimacy, loss, and transformation,' according to Deborah Rossetto, an astrologer based in Malta. So, I followed my intuition and found the secret to healing: writing.

As I learned firsthand, Chiron is probably one of the most important astrological placements, even though it's not as well-known as sun or moon signs. I think everyone should know their Chiron placement, even if they don’t enjoy or 'believe' in astrology. So, buckle up and keep on scrolling to learn more about astrology’s most holistic therapist.

Meet the experts: Narayana Montúfar is an astrologer and author of Moon Signs. Deborah Rossetto is an astrologer based in Malta.

What is Chiron, and what does it signify in astrology?

Discovered in the 1970s, Chiron is a comet that was first identified as an asteroid and named after a famed centaur in Greek mythology. Chiron’s story is one full of emotional and physical wounds: He was the wisest of the centaurs (half-horse, half-human) who was abandoned by his mother, but then became a guiding and healing figure to both gods and heroes despite the violent stereotype of centaurs, explains Montúfar.

As for the comet itself, 'Chiron travels between Saturn and Uranus,' Montúfar explains. 'Saturn represents boundaries, and Uranus represents the spiritual realms.' So, it’s no surprise that Chiron represents a lot of 'soul work,' as Montúfar puts it. Even more specifically, Chiron is both the wound and the work that’s required to heal that wound.

It might sound confusing that Chiron represents both trauma and healing, but it’s actually a powerful sentiment. 'When I think of Chiron, I think of recent neuroscience discoveries about the plasticity of our brains. Thanks to science, we now know that our brain is always capable of building new connections and that every trauma is surmountable,' adds Rossetto. 'This is somewhat what Chiron tells us, that we can rebuild our soul even from the deepest wounds.'

How can I find my Chiron sign?

Just like most Zodiac placements, to know your Chiron sign you’ll need the date, time, and place of your birth, along with a birth chart calculator like the one below.

What does my Chiron sign mean?

Now that you’ve got your Chiron placement, the only thing left to do is analyze it (my favourite part). When you look at Chiron in your birth chart, you’ll see both a sign and a house number. If you’ve always struggled with understanding the houses in astrology and the role they play in placements, no shame—I’m right there with you.

'The sign tells us how, and the house tells us where,' Rossetto explains. In other words, your Chiron sign explains what the wound is, and its house is the way you might see that hurt manifest in your life. Now, to break it down:

  • Chiron in the first house manifests in your personal identity and appearance.

  • Chiron in the second house manifests in your finances, pleasure, and aesthetics.

  • Chiron in the third house manifests in your communication with others.

  • Chiron in the fourth house manifests in your home life and family relationships.

  • Chiron in the fifth house manifests in your creativity and inner child joy.

  • Chiron in the sixth house manifests in your health, job, and daily routine.

  • Chiron in the seventh house manifests in your partnerships—platonic and romantic.

  • Chiron in the eighth house manifests in transformations, intimacy, and death.

  • Chiron in the ninth house manifests in your travels, belief systems, and education.

  • Chiron in the tenth house manifests in your career and achievements.

  • Chiron in the eleventh house manifests in your community and chosen family.

  • Chiron in the twelfth house manifests in your subconscious mind, dreams, and intuition.

And without further ado, here’s what your Chiron sign means, per astrologers:


Chiron in Aries means you’ll have to focus on overcoming your fear of self-advocacy. Maybe you struggle to stand up for yourself because of a past pain or trauma, but the only way to heal is by standing firm and confident and knowing your worth. 'Healing Chiron in Aries requires you to embrace ‘the warrior energy within,’' Montúfar says.


A Chiron in Taurus asks you to fully embrace the 'treat yourself' mentality without any shame. Because of your experiences, you might have a scarcity mindset and a tendency to deny yourself the finer things in life, even when they’re within reach. '[It] suggests a path of healing through addressing deep-seated issues of self-worth, material security, and physical comforts,' Rossetto says.


Chiron in Gemini is all about communication—both verbal and written. 'Healing [it] requires a deep cleansing of the throat chakra via chanting and mantra work,' says Montúfar. If that doesn’t sound like your thing, though, you’ve got another option: Adopting a writing hobby or even keeping a diary can really help you purge and epxress your feelings.


Because Cancer is ruled by the moon (a.k.a., the mother figure of astrology), a lot of people with this Chiron placement have hurt associated with a nurturing figure. 'This placement encourages addressing deep emotional vulnerabilities, healing past wounds, and learning to provide the same level of care and empathy to oneself as to others,' Rossetto says.


A Chiron in Leo advises you to pick up a creative hobby (or two, or three), let your true self shine, feed your inner child, and let go of that fear of rejection. 'You could be seriously scared of stepping into the spotlight or shining your gifts to the world,' Montúfar says. 'Developing a healthy sense of ego is also the medicine your soul needs.'

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Your Chiron in Virgo is yelling at you to let go of your perfectionism! '[It] challenges individuals to find a balance between the desire for order and the acceptance of life's inherent messiness,' Rosetto says. And because Virgo is all about being in service to others, there’s also a need to let go of your more extreme people-pleasing tendencies.


Healthy, balanced, and meaningful relationships are the key to healing a Chiron in Libra. People with this placement might have a tendency to lose themselves in less-than-healthy relationship dynamics, Montúfar says. The medicine here might be staying single 'until you break the pattern of seeing yourself through the eyes of your current relationship.'


Ruled by death-centric Pluto, Chiron in Scorpio is healed through various rebirth cycles and through intense therapy. 'The focus is on healing profound, often concealed, emotional wounds and traumas,' Rossetto explains. A Chiron in this placement also means hurt will show up in everything to do with sexuality and death.


The healing of Chiron in Sagittarius is done by expanding your horizons, both through physical travel and philosophical discussions. 'Your healing comes when you dedicate your time, energy, and effort to dive into the mysteries of the universe,' Montúfar says. 'The placement of Jupiter—by zodiac sign, astrological house, and aspect—can also bring back your faith and optimism.'


Just like how Cancer represents a mother figure, Capricorn represents the father. '[This placement] challenges you to address issues related to authority and ambition, finding a balance between professional aspirations and the need for emotional connection and fulfilment,' Rossetto explains.


A Chiron in Aquarius signals to a feeling of constant alienation. 'Embracing, instead of hating, your uniqueness is the path towards true freedom,' Montúfar says. The secret is to surround yourself with people who just get you. You don’t have to change yourself to find community, dear Aquarius. Maybe try volunteering for a cause that’s important to you?


Ruled by the spiritual Neptune, a Chiron in Pisces is best healed through emotional boundaries, psychic protection, and a spiritual awakening or two. '[It] involves learning the difference between escapism and true spiritual growth, finding solace in the interconnectedness of all things, and embracing the healing power of empathy and universal love,' Rossetto says. It might be difficult to find the coping mechanisms and healing techniques that are right for you—although healing through something spiritual, like Tarot, could be a good starting point.

Now that you know what hurts, the only thing left to do is to face it. You’ve got everything you need to start (or continue on) your healing journey. Move forward with all the gentle compassion and love you deserve—which is all of it.

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