Here's What Scorpio Season Means for You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Scorpio season is all about confronting the shadowy undercurrents within and around us

<p></p> What Scorpio season means for you
What Scorpio season means for you

As the sun enters the depths of the Underworld in Scorpio on Oct. 22, we embark on a season that promises intensity, desire and transformation.

Governed by polarizing Pluto — Lord of the Underworld and planet of death, transformation and regeneration — Scorpio season is all about confronting the shadowy undercurrents within and around us. It’s a time to peel back the layers to reveal deeper truths, both personally and in our relationships.

On Nov. 2, Mercury will officially enter Sagittarius — joining Venus in the same sign — inviting us to think big and explore new philosophies, as it enhances our thoughts and conversations with hope and optimism.

Go-getter Mars will enter Leo shortly after, igniting our passions while inspiring us to pursue our heart’s desires with confidence and flair. However, with Mars stationing retrograde in December — and until Feb. 23, 2025 — it’s crucial that we pay close attention to what arises during this time, as similar themes could come up for review in the process.

On Nov. 11, love takes a turn as Venus enters the structured and sophisticated sign of Capricorn, reminding us that while romance is important, building our relationships upon a solid foundation is key.

This occurs just days before Saturn (Capricorn’s celestial ruler) stations direct in Pisces on Nov. 15, allowing us to harness the lessons learned in introspection (after removing our rose-colored glasses) and apply them to our goals.

That same day, a full moon in Taurus brings light to everything from our value systems and our sense of stability, perhaps even a full-circle moment in terms of finances.

On Nov. 19, Pluto (Scorpio’s planetary ruler) returns to Aquarius, where it will remain until 2044. While this isn’t the first time we experience this transit, the Lord of the Underworld’s long-awaited move into this Air sign signals a profound shift in how we relate to themes of power and community.

Read on for what Scorpio season has in store for your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Horoscope Sign Aries
Horoscope Sign Aries

Ready to rise up from the ashes, Aries? As the Sun enters Scorpio, your focus shifts to themes of intimacy, shared resources and deeper connections. This mystifying season encourages you to explore closeness and transformation in your relationships, personally and professionally.

The new moon in Scorpio on Nov. 1 will only enhance this energy, making it an ideal time to set intentions around joint ventures, intimate affairs and your own transformation. The next day, Mercury will enter Sagittarius, igniting your desire for adventure, wisdom and experience. This is an excellent time to make travel plans or enroll in a new course of study.

Your traditional ruler, Mars, makes a grand entrance in Leo on Nov. 3, fueling your ambitions and creative expression, making it a powerful time to pursue projects that bring you joy. Moreover, as Venus enters Capricorn on Nov. 11, the trajectory of your career and public persona could potentially merge with your relationships and pursuit of romance.

Shortly after, the moon will reach its peak in Taurus, illuminating your second house of finances, values and self-worth, prompting you to reassess what truly matters to you.

This is followed by Pluto’s long-awaited return to Aquarius on Nov. 19, where you will begin to explore the shadow side of your relationships and collaborations, as this can lead to significant changes in your life.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Horoscope Sign Taurus
Horoscope Sign Taurus

What are you no longer willing to compromise, Taurus? Upon the sun’s debut in Scorpio, your focus shifts to partnerships, relationships and interpersonal dynamics. This shadowy season encourages you to deepen your connections and reassess your commitments.

There will be a new moon in Scorpio on Nov. 1 — emphasizing this area of your life — signaling a powerful time to set intentions for growth in your partnerships, whether romantically or business-related.

Just in time for Mercury’s debut in Sagittarius the following day, this transit may spark your curiosity, specifically regarding deeper philosophical and spiritual matters. You may feel compelled to explore new ideas or engage in discussions that challenge your belief systems.

Mars will also enter the regal sign of Leo on Nov. 3, energizing your fourth house of home and family. This is a great time to take charge of projects on the homefront or perhaps family matters that need more of your attention.

On Nov. 11, Venus enters Capricorn and your expansive ninth house of adventure, highlighting your desire for growth and exploration, romantically or financially. This is followed by Saturn direct in Pisces on Nov. 15, marking a turning point for your goals, dreams and sense of belonging in the world.

Scorpio season comes to a close with a full moon in your sign, illuminating themes surrounding your identity and sense of self-worth. You may come to terms with an important decision regarding a relationship or possible investment for the future.

After all, with Pluto returning to Aquarius and your career sector on Nov. 19, you can expect significant transformation when regarding your sense of authority and long-term goals.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Horoscope Sign Gemini
Horoscope Sign Gemini

Spruce up your routine, and harness Scorpio’s sorcery, Gemini. As the sun debuts in this Water sign, your attention turns to day-to-day affairs and health habits. This revelatory season can help you uncover more profound layers surrounding your daily rituals, wellness practices and work routines. 

On that note, a new moon in the same sign on Nov. 1 marks the perfect opportunity to set intentions that can help you improve your habits or perhaps launch new projects in the workplace. Also, with your celestial ruler, Mercury, entering worldly Sagittarius the next day, you can expect more upbeat conversation and inspiration within your relationships.

On Nov. 3, Mars will make a sparkling debut in Leo, fueling your desire for connection and collaboration. Whether creatively or in terms of love and romance, you’re all the more confident and expressive under this fiery transit. Don’t be surprised if your smartphone buzzes with notifications and calendar invites.

Love planet Venus enters Capricorn on Nov. 11, emphasizing your intimate affairs and joint ventures, personally and professionally. During this time, you'll explore deeper emotional connections with others as you may feel more attracted to the shadowy undercurrents of your relationships.

Once Saturn stations direct in Pisces on Nov. 15, it signals progress in your career and professional pursuits, so consider this an opportunity to take the lead. Pluto will also return to Aquarius on Nov. 19, urging you to expand your horizons and transform your worldview through new experiences and opportunities.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Horoscope Sign Cancer
Horoscope Sign Cancer

You’re back in your element, Cancer. With the sun entering Scorpio and your vivacious fifth house of love, creativity and self-expression, the cosmos encourages you to explore your passions and heart’s desires.

On Nov. 1, there will be a new moon in the same sign, signaling a powerful opportunity for setting intentions around your creative expression, romantic affairs and your relationship with your inner child.

Savvy Mercury will enter Sagittarius the following day, evoking a sense of curiosity and optimism, particularly regarding your daily routines and health habits. You may feel inspired to enhance your wellness practices or improve your work-life balance.

On Nov. 3, Mars will make its cinematic debut in Leo, energizing your second house of values and finances, prompting you to take action on your financial goals and reassess what truly matters to you. This is also an excellent time to monetize your talents, skills and abilities.

Love planet Venus will enter Capricorn shortly after, shifting your focus to your commitments, relationships and interpersonal dynamics. Single or taken, this is a great time to nurture your connections, whether for business or pleasure.

The moon will eventually reach its peak on Nov. 15, shaking up your 11th house of associations, community affairs and individual freedom. This may prompt you to reassess your involvement in a group dynamic or within a community.

Scorpio season comes to a close with Pluto leaving your relationship sector for good, as it will officially enter Aquarius on Nov. 19. Anticipate transformative changes in your intimate unions and regarding your shared resources.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Horoscope Sign Leo
Horoscope Sign Leo

You’re going back to where it all began, Leo. With the sun entering Scorpio and your fourth house of ancestors, family and emotional foundations, your personal life takes precedence, specifically your emotional foundations and connection to loved ones.

The moon will renew itself in the same sign on Nov. 1, signaling a powerful opportunity for setting intentions around your home, family and living space. The following day, Mercury will slip into Sagittarius and your fifth house of passion, romance and creative expression, inspiring you to engage in artistic projects and follow your heart’s desires.

Mars will also debut in your sign on Nov. 3, which can be equally energizing and inspiring, as this is a time to pursue personal goals with confidence and enthusiasm. The red planet, however, will eventually station retrograde next month, so pay attention to what comes up for review as it could be a prominent theme throughout this retrograde cycle.

Moreover, with Venus entering Capricorn on Nov. 11, your focus will shift toward work routines, health habits and acts of service. Personally or romantically, this is an opportunity to improve the dynamic of your day-to-day life, and work environment.

The season comes to a close with a full moon in Taurus, activating your 10th house of career, reputation and sense of authority. This may prompt you to reassess your professional aspirations and priorities, particularly the way you present yourself to the rest of the world.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Horoscope Sign Virgo
Horoscope Sign Virgo

Pay attention to your surroundings, Virgo. With the sun entering Scorpio, your thoughts, exchanges and immediate surroundings will become top of mind. Whether it’s your connection to siblings or neighbors, intriguing conversations are likely to take place at this time.

A new moon in the same sign on Nov. 1 presents you with a powerful opportunity to set intentions around your communication skills, short trips and potential learning endeavors.

This is followed by Mercury’s ingress into Sagittarius and your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations. Whether philosophical or travel-related, conversations with loved ones may spark something within you.

On Nov. 11, Venus will enter Capricorn and your fifth house of love, passion and self-expression, bringing forth new opportunities to master and solidify your romantic experiences and artistic pursuits.

This is followed by Saturn stationing direct in Pisces in your relationship sector, urging you to reassess the foundation of your partnerships, personally and professionally.

Scorpio season comes to a close with a full moon in Taurus activating your ninth house of expansion, higher learning and self-discovery. Whether it be a culmination of your efforts or a newfound perspective, your value systems are brought to the forefront.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Horoscope Sign Libra
Horoscope Sign Libra

Sort out your priorities, and take your power back, Libra. Upon the sun’s debut in Scorpio, your attention turns to second-house themes of money, values and personal stability. This celestial season encourages you to reassess your relationship with money and what truly matters to you.

On that note, the moon will renew itself in the same sign on Nov. 1, signaling a time of reflection and introspection, particularly around your financial security and sense of self-worth.

Moreover, with Mercury entering Sagittarius shortly after, you’ll feel inspired to share your thoughts and engage in discussions that broaden your perspective. Some of you may entertain the idea of gathering with siblings or neighbors or connecting with peers who share similar interests.

Go-getter Mars will make its debut in Leo on Nov. 2, energizing your 11th house of associations, friendship groups and sense of belonging in the world. Whether it be getting creative on social media or simply gathering with your best pals for good fun, community settings inspire you at this time.

On Nov. 11, your celestial ruler, Venus, will enter Capricorn and your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations. There is beauty in tradition and structure, so many of you will entertain loved ones by hosting familial gatherings or perhaps re-adorn your home office for more inspiration.

The moon will reach its peak of fullness shortly after, highlighting your eighth house of intimate affairs and transformation, which can come with an epiphany or full-circle moment of sorts. This may revolve around your shared assets or desire for closeness within a union.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Horoscope Sign Scorpio
Horoscope Sign Scorpio

Happy birthday, Scorpio! As of Oct. 22, your solar season is in full swing, so it’s your time to shine! This time is all about self-discovery, personal transformation and reuniting with your shadow self.

With the moon renewing itself in your sign shortly after (Nov. 1), consider this a powerful opportunity to set intentions around your goals, dreams and self-improvement in general.

Mercury will also slip into Sagittarius the following day, sparking curiosity and wonder in your second house of money and values. You may feel compelled to explore new ways to monetize your talents, while others of you reassess your values.

On Nov. 3, Mars will make a grand entrance in Leo, shaking up your bossy 10th house of authority, career and reputation, while boosting your joy and confidence levels. Whether creatively or in terms of your heart’s desires, this fiery transit could potentially serve as a muse for inspiration.

You’ll also want to be on the lookout for Venus’ ingress into Capricorn on Nov. 11, as it brings focus to your third house of communication, thought process and immediate surroundings. Love can come unexpectedly while traveling for work or through a mutual acquaintance.

Others of you may harness this energy for business, as you are all the more charming and sophisticated with your approach.

Your season comes to a close with a full moon in Taurus, lighting up your committed seventh house of agreements, commitments and significant others, which prompts you to reassess what you value and cherish in a personal or professional connection.

This is followed by your modern ruler, Pluto, entering Aquarius on Nov. 19, where it will remain until 2044.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Horoscope Sign Sagittarius
Horoscope Sign Sagittarius

Take a beat and call it a day, Sagittarius. Upon the sun’s debut in Scorpio, it will ignite your sleepy 12th house of dreams, healing, rest and introspection. This celestial season encourages you to explore your inner world and address unresolved issues that could be hindering your growth.

With a new moon in Scorpio happening on Nov. 1, consider this an opportunity to set intentions around your healing process and more importantly, release the emotional burdens that have been weighing on you.

The following day, Mercury will enter your worldly territory, sparking your curiosity and desire to express yourself more openly. Others of you may decide to plan a trip or perhaps enroll in a course that broadens your perspective.

With Mars entering Leo soon after, you’ll be as inspired as ever to venture into the unknown, as this vivacious energy activates your ninth house of expansion and higher learning. Following your heart never felt this good.

On Nov. 11, Venus will enter Capricorn, shifting your focus toward second-house themes of values, finances and self-worth. Personally or professionally, you’re likely more pragmatic and structured with your finances and energy (your currency) at this time.

Scorpio season wraps up on a powerful note, as the moon will peak in Taurus, shaking up your sixth house of daily rituals, health habits and work routines, which may prompt you to re-evaluate the dynamics within your day-to-day affairs.

What is no longer of value to you? Are you being properly compensated for your efforts?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Horoscope Sign Capricorn
Horoscope Sign Capricorn

Be discerning with your affiliations, Capricorn. As the sun ingresses into suspicious Scorpio, it ignites your 11th house of associations, community affairs and visions of the future. This season encourages you to engage with those in your network and perhaps explore your connections more deeply.

Also, with the moon renewing itself in this area of your chart on Nov. 1, it marks a powerful time for setting intentions around building new relationships in your network and nurturing existing ones.

The following day, Mercury will slip into Sagittarius and your hazy 12th house of rest, spirituality, healing and closure, so you may feel compelled to retreat or perhaps immerse yourself in a good book that sparks new ideas and philosophies within you.

On Nov. 3, Mars will make its grand entrance in Leo, energizing your eighth house of intimate affairs and shared resources, inspiring a newfound confidence and desire.

However, with Mars stationing retrograde next month, it’s important to tread lightly as something may come back around for review later on.

On a brighter note, love planet Venus will enter your sign on Nov. 11, dazzling your aura, presence and self-image, making it a great time to pamper yourself and partake in self-love rituals. Otherwise, consider this a green light to send that pitch, and wow your superiors at work!

After all, your celestial ruler, Saturn, will also station direct shortly after, which can bring clarity and significant shifts to your immediate environment.

Be on the lookout for the full moon in Taurus on Nov. 15, as it will shake up your expressive fifth house of love, passion and pleasure. Whether creatively or romantically, celebrate your wins and self-worth, as you are being acknowledged for the value you bring to your surroundings.

The best part? After 16 years, Pluto finally concludes its journey through your sign on Nov. 19.

You did it, Capricorn.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Horoscope Sign Aquarius
Horoscope Sign Aquarius

Your perception of authority could potentially change this season, Aquarius. This is especially true with the sun entering Scorpio and your 10th house of career, reputation and public persona.

Transformative and revelatory, this celestial season encourages you to explore your professional ambitions deeply and reassess your goals, without being afraid to confront the shadow side of these endeavors.

Fortunately, with the moon renewing itself in the same sign on Nov. 1, you have all the more reason to set intentions for the future and commit to something fruitful and long-lasting.

Also, with Mercury entering Sagittarius the following day, you may feel inspired to engage with your social circles and explore new connections. Whether in-person or on social media, you could feel driven to expand and explore new opportunities.

Go-getter Mars will also enter Leo and your relationship sector on Nov. 3, which is ideal for creative and inspiring interactions. The catch? Be mindful of your ego and discerning if something feels toxic, or competitive in a way that isn’t healthy.

With Saturn stationing direct on Nov. 15, expect a shift in momentum in your second house of finances, values and personal stability. You could gain clarity on your finances or come up with a plan for a business investment.

Scorpio season comes to a close with a full moon in Taurus on Nov. 15, activating your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations. Consider this an opportunity to reassess your comfort levels and value systems, particularly in your personal life and regarding your work-life balance.

Finally, with Pluto officially entering your sign on Nov. 19 — where it will remain until 2044 — hang tight as you embark on this transformative journey. A lot’s going to change, but you already knew that.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Horoscope Sign Pisces
Horoscope Sign Pisces

Chin up, Pisces. You may not realize this now, but you have the whole world at your fingertips.

With the sun entering mystifying Scorpio, and your expansive ninth house of travel, belief systems and self-discovery become illuminated, inspiring the urge to venture into uncharted waters and explore new ideas and philosophies that resonate with your personal growth.

Whether personally or professionally, look to the new moon in Scorpio on Nov. 1 to set intentions around travel, education or your spiritual pursuits. Truth is, the possibilities are endless.

The following day, Mercury will slip into Sagittarius, igniting your 10th house of career, authority and reputation. You may feel compelled to communicate your aspirations and seek new opportunities that align with your professional goals, while others of you launch an impromptu online business.

Just in time for Mars’ debut in Leo on Nov. 3, the red planet will shake up your sixth house of daily rituals and work routines, energizing you and inspiring the desire for authenticity and passion in your day-to-day life. Do yourself a favor and make more time for yourself.

On Nov. 11, Venus will enter Capricorn, and dazzle your 11th house of society, community and sense of belonging in the world. Whether for pleasure or strictly business, don’t hesitate to work your charm and put your talents on display.

You’re bound to make the right impression, especially with Saturn stationing direct in your sign shortly after, as you are more willing to embrace growth and solidify your identity within your personal and professional network.

The energy heightens on Nov. 15, as the moon peaks in Taurus, activating your curious third house of communication and immediate surroundings. Reflect on the value of your exchanges and whether they align with your goals.

Otherwise, expect a full-circle moment through a significant conversation with someone in your immediate environment.

Pluto will also enter Aquarius on Nov. 19, activating your bossy 10th house of career — until 2044 — which comes with a series of transformative experiences and breakthroughs.

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