Can you actually cure a hangover?

<em>What’s the best way to cure a hangover? (Picture: Getty)</em>
What’s the best way to cure a hangover? (Picture: Getty)

Most of us have been there – you overdid it with the drinks the night before and now you feel awful.

You need a hangover cure and you need it now. But which ones actually work?

According to previous research by YouGov, Brits’ most popular solution to a hangover is to drink water – with three quarters (75%) of people who suffer from hangovers saying that’s their answer.

Nearly half (46%) turned to painkillers, while just over a quarter (27%) tried a fry-up, with the same proportion eating carbs to ditch the headache.

Much smaller numbers turned to ‘Hair of the Dog’, with 7% believed that having another drink will cure their hangover, while 9% said they don’t do anything specific and just wait for it to pass.

The topic is up for discussion in the latest episode of Yahoo UK’s podcast, Britain Is a Nation Of…, which this week focuses on alcohol.

Speaking on the podcast, Professor Ian Hamilton, lecturer in mental health and addiction at the University of York, gives his top tips for coping with a hangover.

“I think there’s all sorts of things you can do,” he said.

“I think the main top tips I would have is make sure you drink plenty of water, have something to eat and mentally, you don’t have to do anything, watch a bit of telly, cuddle up on the sofa. Look after yourself.”

Listen to the full episode of Britain is a Nation of… below

Despite plenty of popular tips and tricks to rid yourself of a hangover, official NHS guidance reminds us that hangover cures are “generally a myth”, though it does suggest tips to avoid them like not drinking on an empty stomach or adding soft drinks in between your alcoholic beverages.

The best solution is probably not to drink too much in the first place, it seems.

In the words of Prof Hamilton: “If this was anything else that was having that effect on you would you do it to yourself?”

To hear more unpacking of statistics about British people, listen to the full episode above, or download it on Apple Podcasts, Acast, or Spotify to listen while on the go.