Bride and groom fall in love with their bridesmaid and now live as a polyamorous threesome

A couple started a polyamorous relationship with the bridesmaid after meeting on their wedding day [Photo: Getty]
A couple started a polyamorous relationship with the bridesmaid after meeting on their wedding day [Photo: Getty]

The happily ever after following a wedding usually involves the bride and groom starting their life together as husband and wife.

But for one couple, getting married meant becoming a threesome, rather than a twosome when they both fell in love with their bridesmaid.

Karalyn Henry, from Ohio, realised she was bisexual after realising she was attracted to both boys and girls as a teenager.

But the 22-year-old grew up as a Christian, and as a result she felt the need to hide her true feelings.

Eventually, however, she decided to open up to her fiancé Justin, who she says, was completely understanding.

“I brought my worries up with my now husband, and he nonchalantly said, ‘Well you can just date a girl on the side’,” Karalyn told Daily Star.

“My mind was blown – I didn’t even think that was a possibility to be honest.”

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Before the wedding, Karalyn started chatting online to Lana, who lives in Northern Ireland, which meant the first time they met was at the wedding, when Lana walked down the aisle as a bridesmaid.

Initially, it was only meant to be Karalyn and Lana who would date, as at the time Justin didn’t identify as polyamorous, but after meeting at the wedding it all three developed feelings for one another.

Karalyn explained: “When Lana flew over for our wedding, they both developed crushes on each other, and started dating as well.

“That turned us into a regular Poly Triad.”

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Though Lana still lives in the UK, she regularly visits Karalyn and Justin and all three of them stay together, taking turns sleeping in the middle of the bed, which Karalyn describes as “the best spot in a polyamory relationship.”

“Seeing both of my partners together, holding hands, cuddling – it’s adorable, and I’m just so happy to see them so happy!”

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Karalyn hopes that by sharing their story, they will be able to normalise polyamory.

She has also started a YouTube channel to document parts of her life and answers questions about the things people want to know about polyamorous relationships.