Booker-winner Paul Lynch: ‘The riots were a wake-up call to Ireland’

Paul Lynch, this year's Booker Prize winner and author of Prophet Song
Paul Lynch, this year's Booker Prize winner and author of Prophet Song - Rii Schroer

Paul Lynch turns up to our interview in a black dinner jacket that looks just like the one he was wearing 12 hours earlier when his novel Prophet Song won this year’s Booker Prize at a ceremony in London. Does this mean he hasn’t yet been to bed? “I’ve had a few hours sleep, but I only took one jacket with me on the flight from Dublin,” he says with rumpled charm. “I feel I’m living in some sort of counterfactual moment, to be honest. Just like the characters in my book, I’m finding the real a bit hard to process.”

Reality certainly warps and bends for Prophet Song’s lead protagonist, Eilish, who is struggling to maintain a facade of normality after her husband, along with hundreds of others, is abruptly “disappeared” by a new far-Right government. Set in an imaginary modern-day Ireland, the novel immerses the reader within the disorientating nightmare of a country sliding into totalitarianism and civil war with an adrenalised panicky prose style.

Lynch, 46, wrote it because he had found himself becoming blasé about authoritarian politics and the plight of refugees in distant countries and wanted to test that complacency by simulating similar scenarios in a made-up Ireland. Then, last week, Dublin itself erupted into far-Right violence after political agitators were among those rioting following a stabbing incident outside a school. Police have refused to confirm details but it is believed the riots were prompted by a rumour that the perpetrator was an immigrant.

“I was in London on a flying visit, when a woman in the queue said to me – have you seen the news?” says Lynch, 46, who was born in Donegal but lives in Dublin. “She said ‘Your book is happening right now on the streets’. I was deeply shocked. Dublin is my home town. It’s a wake-up call for Ireland.”

Certainly Prophet Song has been widely praised by the judging panel for its social resonance. Although, at the awards ceremony the chair of judges Esi Edugyan described the novel as “a warning” that forces “readers out of their complacency”, in fact The Telegraph’s Literary Editor Cal Revely-Calder argued that the novel is too blunt to work as a successful allegory. Indeed, Lynch finds himself uneasy with the idea of himself as a literary Cassandra. He is unwilling to be drawn, for instance, on what tensions might exist within Ireland over immigration.

Paul Lynch, author of Prophet Song
Paul Lynch, author of Prophet Song - Rii Schroer

“I am not a political novelist,” he says. “The problem with being perceived as one is that people assume you are airing grievances, and that you also know the answers. But the idea you can change the world [with a novel] is laughable.” Rather, he believes the novel as an art form no longer has the social currency it once did. “There was a time when fiction held more ground than it does now in terms of the central conversation. In the 1960s an intellectual philosophical book like Saul Bellow’s Herzog could be number one in the New York Times bestseller lists for months. That feels like an impossibility now. People don’t seek from books what they used to seek, perhaps.”

Lynch is affable and open, although all he will say about his private life is that he has two young children. He was late to start writing, having previously worked as a sub-editor and film critic for Ireland’s now-defunct The Sunday Tribune, and started writing his debut novel, Red Sky in Morning (2013), a brooding Cormac McCarthy-style thriller about a man on the run in 19th century Ireland, when he was 30. “It didn’t get a single UK review,” he says, not entirely without rancour. Still, I point out his Booker win makes him the fifth Irish writer in the history of the prize to win. No English author has won outright since Julian Barnes’ victory in 2011. What are we Brits doing wrong?

“Well, you live in a country that has closed down 800 public libraries in the last decade,” he says. “So ask yourselves – what’s the messaging behind that? Whose voices are you shoving out? My parents could afford books, but we still went to the library each week. If you are closing down libraries then you are closing down the great post-war tradition that made the UK Great Britain.”

The shortlist for the Booker Prize 2023
The shortlist for the Booker Prize 2023 - AP Photo/Kin Cheung

By contrast, he argues, Ireland looks after its literary heritage. “Ireland used to ban writers. Now it gives them tax breaks. It’s a country that loves its culture. There is a dedicated arts programme, Arena, on RTE every night during the week after the news.”

He says that there is “a post Celtic Tiger energy now in Irish fiction. I was aware that, when I became a writer, the old pieties would have to be torn down. An English friend pointed out the other day that there are, for instance, no priests in my novels. Ireland is now modern, European, hip. Post Catholic even. Although I’ll probably get scalded at home for saying that.”

What about the legacy of Joyce and Beckett? After all, his garden shed where he writes contains the complete works of Beckett although, because Beckett’s face is emblazoned across the spines, Lynch has scrambled his features by rearranging the order. “I can’t write with those piercing eyes on me. I think Beckett would have approved. He was all about the divided self. But Joyce and Beckett still transmit huge energy into the culture. What they did with language has allowed Irish writers to recolonise the English language in our own way. We know we can bend it to our will.”

Paul Lynch holds the Booker Prize trophy after being named as the winner of the 2023 Booker Prize
Paul Lynch holds the Booker Prize trophy after being named as the winner of the 2023 Booker Prize - Lucy North/ PA

Last year Lynch was diagnosed with kidney cancer, although he is now fully recovered. Once again, he found life imitating his art. “The diagnosis, which was shattering, was my knock at the door. When you are in your 40s you feel invincible. You are blinded to the hard realities of life. So when it happened to me, I thought ‘You’ve been writing about the precarity of life for years’. He plans on spending the money on his mortgage. “It’s increased by 75 per cent in 18 months. And although there are also grants in Ireland for writers, financially I’ve had some really tough years.”

In a strange way, he sees his diagnosis as having given him a new beginning. “What with that and winning the Booker, I suddenly have all these new realities. I’m finding out who I am.”

Prophet Song is published by Oneworld

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