Pallbearers at Leafs fan funeral wear Toronto jerseys, to 'let him down one last time'

Pallbearers at Leafs fan funeral wear Toronto jerseys, to 'let him down one last time'

Hamilton man Terrance Siebert died last Monday, July 21, 2014, surrounded by his family, at 58 years of age.  According to his death notice, he went peacefully.

But even so, the lifelong Leafs did manage to sneak in one last shot at his beloved but infuriating hockey team, who hadn't won a damn thing since he was an 11-year-old boy.

Note the final line of Siebert's death notice, published in Thursday's Hamilton Spectator:

It was Terry's last wish that his pallbearers be the Toronto Maple Leafs so they could let him down one last time.

Ba-zing. One wonders if his epitath will just read: "It was 4-1".

Admittedly, it's an old joke. You can substitute in just about any team, especially those that have a long history of losing. Heck, Zoe McKnight of the Toronto Star dug up three more occasions of the same joke being used in the last year alone. From the Toronto Star:

A Cleveland man and lifelong Browns fan made the same request in The Columbus Dispatch last year and earlier this summer a Minnesota man asked that the Vikings carry his coffin in the Pioneer Press.

A British radio broadcaster and fan of the Everton Football Club made the same joke often, according to his 2013 obituary.

But here's what makes Siebert's notice stand out. His people made it happen for him. Wile the real Leafs weren't on hand to do the honours, Terry's friends were more than willing to look the part. The pallbearers at his funeral wore Leafs jerseys:

In other words, the late Terrance Siebert got his wish.