What Is Black Moon Lilith? Why It's Rocking Our Relationships Right Now

Black Moon Lilith has been in Libra since June 29, 2024

<p></p> Black Moon Lilith
Black Moon Lilith

Feeling like your relationships are all over the place right now? Black Moon Lilith could be the reason why.

Black Moon Lilith first entered Libra on June 29, 2024, and will remain there until March 27, 2025.

The last time Black Moon Lilith in Libra swept the sky was from October 2006 to July 2007. As Libra is associated with partnerships, this transit will rock our love lives. Conventional relationships are taking a backseat to tradition, encouraging us to partner in new ways on our own terms. We define the relationship — no one else has a say!

Known as “the dark feminine," Black Moon Lilith in Libra is urging us to empower ourselves by ignoring our passions and not answering to anyone. We can take charge of our lives with no input from others and manifest our own destiny. Healing can occur by doing shadow work and looking inward to love all the parts of ourselves — the good, the bad and the ugly.

Read on to learn more about Black Moon Lilith and how it will affect your zodiac sign while it’s in Libra.

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What is Black Moon Lilith?

It is important to note that there is Black Moon Lilith, which is the location from the furthest point in the moon's orbit to Earth, also known a the lunar apogee, and the asteroid Lilith, which is a smaller celestial body found in between the asteroid belt of Mars and Jupiter. To be clear, we are talking about Black Moon Lilith here.

Black Moon Lilith is a mathematical point in the sky that is considered to be the shadowy aspect of the moon. While both represent hidden sentiments, the moon has a more loving vibe and Black Moon Lilith dictates the repressed parts of ourselves that we are afraid to recognize.

But what do you know about Black Moon Lilith? Let’s return to the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden. According to ancient Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology, Lilith was Adam's first wife (we are talking about Adam from Adam and Eve), and her vibe was more dominant than that of her husband. Mythology says that Adam banned her from the Garden of Eden because she wouldn’t be submissive. After that, Lilith's story takes on two different tales — one being a childless vampire and another making her a demon.

Lilith is the feminist who doesn’t settle for anything less than she deserves and asserts her rights and freedoms as a human who wants to be treated as an equal. In astrology, Lilith expresses our desires — the taboo parts of ourselves and our unapologetic nature. It’s how we claim our power and rebel against authority.

Where is Black Moon Lilith in 2024?

Black Moon Lilith is in Libra for the majority of 2024. It first entered the zodiac sign on June 29, 2024, and will remain there until March 27, 2025. As a result, we will find that the way we handle ourselves in partnerships veers from the past.

For instance, we may want more independence and decide that we are unsure about commitments. There could also be a need to strike our own when it comes to being in a relationship and an urge to create our own identity outside of the situation.

Power struggles within relationships and friendships will be part of the course. Conversely, we may feel that the desire to connect is so strong that we want to do whatever it takes to be with another.

Related: Here's What Libra Season Means for You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

How to find your Black Moon Lilith sign?

Black Moon Lilith spends approximately nine months in each zodiac sign and takes nine years to move through the entire zodiac.

To find your Black Moon Lilith sign, you’ll want to enter your birth information (date, year, time, and location) on astrological sites such as Cafe Astrology.

What does your Black Moon Lilith sign mean?

Depending on where you Black Moon Lilith sign appears in your birth chart, it can mean different things. Here’s a breakdown of each zodiac sign.



Black Moon Lilith in Aries will do whatever it takes to come out ahead. Never one to second guess themselves, determination and the need to succeed are always at the forefront of their minds. At times Black Moon Lilith in Aries uses tactics like arguing or manipulation to get their way, but only when they're not achieving their ultimate goals.



Sensual pleasures reign high as Black Moon Lilith in Taurus likes to indulge in hedonistic activities. Rather than ignore this part of the self, it’s essential for the Black Moon Lilith in Taurus to accept and honor their desires, whether it be through their sex appeal or by self-care. Ignoring the connection to the body and psyche isn't beneficial for them.



Words have power, but that doesn't mean they should be taken to the extreme. Black Moon Lilith in Gemini gets what they want through communication. Think of a slick salesman selling snake oil. On a good day, they can transform the world for the better through expressive means and make radical changes by bringing people together on a unified front.



Black Moon Lilith in Cancer hardens their heart as a form of emotional protection. Letting people into their lives and sharing secrets takes time, but once they trust, it'll be for life. Watch out, though! Don't betray their confidence or they will take their crabby pincers out and won’t stop until you learn the lesson to never hurt their feelings.



Lights! Camera! Action! Fame, money and glamor are the endgame for Black Moon Lilith in Leo. They’ll put their needs above everyone else’s to attain their desires. Some may think Black Moon Lilith in Leo is selfish because everything is all about them — but they're just trying to thrive and survive in a dog-eat-dog type of world.



Often, Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is too passive for their own good. Since they have an extremely high level of patience and respect for others, it takes a lot for them to get mad. Being too nice and polite can lead to their behavior being taken for granted, which is why it is important for them to set boundaries.



Seeking an equilibrium in relationships and situations is challenging, so Black Moon Lilith in Libra rejects that notion and is totally OK with situations being off-balance. Black Moon Lilith in Libra is not worried about finding a middle ground because they just want to be right — even if they're the only ones agreeing with the sentiments and beliefs they state.



Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio leans into their fetishes and does not hold back. Their passions are known and no one can dictate how they should live. On a deeper emotional level, Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio wants to commit and fears it at the same time, mostly due to their fascination and constant need for evolution on every front.



Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius is a know-it-all who actually does know it all. And, yes, this does create conflict when their intelligence is being questioned. Antagonistic by nature, Black Moon Lilith in fiery Sagittarius debates universal truths and philosophies for fun — but always has to have the last word on matters and situations that can lead to dramatic disagreements.



Being CEO is not enough for Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn. They want to conquer the world through business and financial matters. You might find people with this placement on a list of the most influential entrepreneurs or wealthiest people alive. Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn is ethical in their actions and willingly works their way up the corporate ladder.



Once Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius gets on their soapboxes, it'll be hard for them to come down. Preaching their ideology is essential for them to have their voice heard by the masses. Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius won't stop expressing their novel and unique thoughts until they sway others to their point of view.



Living in their dreams and imagination is how Black Moon Lilith in Pisces exists. They are extremely artistic and sensitive, resulting in them existing through their emotions and tender hearts. Spirituality is important to Black Moon Lilith in Pisces. They may become very religious as a result. It is also a way to connect with the universe, others, and themselves.

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