Here Are the Best Crystals to Charge for July's Full Moon in Capricorn

Astrologers say charging crystals under the full moon can cleanse, amplify and recharge their inherent properties

<p>Getty</p> Horoscope, Best Crystals to Charge for July


Horoscope, Best Crystals to Charge for July's Full Moon in Capricorn

As July's full moon in Capricorn nears, here’s everything you need to prepare and harness its potent energy effectively.

Celebratory and illuminating, the full moon occurs once every month when the sun makes a direct opposition to the moon. This is not only a call for balance between our masculine (sun) and feminine (moon) energies but also an opportunity for manifestation and reflection. For instance, with the sun in Cancer and the moon in Capricorn, the full moon emphasizes the balance and harmony (or lack thereof) between our emotional needs and our practical ambitions.

The polarity of these two zodiac signs (sun and moon) is fundamental, as both celestial energies are equally pivotal to our manifestation process. In this particular case, we are being called to integrate the emotional and nurturing qualities of Cancer with the ambitious and disciplined nature of Capricorn. Check which astrological houses these Cardinal signs occupy in your birth chart for reference on the areas of life being brought into focus.

Governed by taskmaster Saturn, Capricorn’s archetype has everything to do with discipline, perseverance and long-term achievements. The influence of Saturn encourages us to take responsibility, set realistic goals and work diligently towards our ambitions. During this lunation, Luna will respond to Saturn Retrograde — as opposed to June’s full moon in Capricorn, where it was still moving in direct motion — giving us a chance to re-assess and re-evaluate our plans and structures.

Read on for how to charge your crystals and manifest under July’s full moon in Capricorn.

Related: Your Horoscope for July: Embrace Self-Expression

Why should you charge your crystals during the full moon?

Charging crystals under the full moon is a powerful and ancient ritual rooted in the belief that the moon's energy can cleanse, amplify and recharge a crystal's inherent properties.

During the full moon phase, the sun's opposition to the moon represents a peak of energy, clarity and intuition. The opposition and gravitational pull between these ever-glowing luminaries creates a powerful and dynamic energy that is ideal for charging crystals, as it is believed to cleanse and enhance their natural properties.

Overall, the full moon's light infuses the crystals with enhanced vibrational frequencies, believed to make them more effective for manifesting.

When is the best time to charge crystals for July's full moon?

This month's full moon in Capricorn will peak on July 21 at 6:17 a.m. ET.

The best time to charge crystals for the full moon is during the night of the lunation and the nights surrounding it. The peak energy of the full moon occurs when the moon is at its fullest, but the energy can last up to three days. Here are the best times to charge crystals:

Night before the full moon: If you want to start early, the moon is nearly full at this time, and its energy is already very potent.

Night of the full moon: This is the most powerful time to charge your crystals. The moon's energy is at its peak, providing the maximum amount of lunar energy for your crystals to absorb.

Night after the full moon: The energy of the full moon is still strong, and this night can be used if you miss the peak or want to extend the charging process.

What are the best crystals to charge for July's full moon?

Charging crystals under the full moon in Capricorn can help harness the grounded, disciplined and ambitious energy of this Cardinal Earth sign. Here are four crystals to charge and why they would be beneficial:

Smoky Quartz: A grounding stone believed to dispel negative energy, this crystal brings emotional balance, which naturally aligns with Capricorn's earthy and pragmatic essence. It also helps you maintain focus, making it easier to persevere toward your goals and dreams without distractions. Utilizing smoky quartz under the full moon heightens its grounding properties, ensuring that you remain balanced and centered while navigating your responsibilities.

Garnet: A stone of commitment and passion, this crystal deeply resonates with Capricorn's perseverance and disciplined nature. It is believed to promote mental clarity, focus and determination, which are some of this Earth sign's key attributes. Charging garnet under the full moon will amplify its powerful properties, providing you with renewed motivation and perseverance to follow through on your plans.

Tiger's Eye: A powerful crystal believed to promote grounding and stability, charging it can enhance your ability to remain centered and steadfast in your personal and professional ventures. Tiger's Eye is also believed to help with fear, which can provide courage and confidence in the pursuit of your long-term goals.

Bloodstone: This stone is excellent for grounding and protecting your energy, aligning well with Capricorn's practical and disciplined approach. Bloodstone can also aid in your decision-making process, encouraging you to take charge and act on your goals. Harnessing its properties under the full moon can help you stay focused and determined in the face of challenges.

What should you do with your crystals after the full moon?

Once you've charged your crystals, there are several steps you can take to integrate their renewed energy into your daily life and manifestation process.

Set intentions with your crystals: At your own pace, hold each crystal in your hand and set specific intentions that resonate with their distinct energy and properties. Speak or meditate on your goals, aspirations or specific areas of life where you need support.

Carry the crystals with you: Keep your charged crystals close to you by placing them in your pocket, wearing them as jewelry or keeping them in a small pouch. Having them nearby ensures that their energy surrounds your aura, providing continuous support and protection.

Adorn your personal space: With strategy and intention, place your crystals in specific locations around your home and workspace.

Smoky Quartz: Place in areas where you need grounding and protection from negative energy.

Keep in locations where you need an extra boost of energy or where you make vision boards.

Tiger's Eye: Place on your desk or workspace to enhance focus, confidence and motivation.

Bloodstone: Keep in locations where you make important decisions or need courage.

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