All About October's Full Moon and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Here's what the Hunter's Moon means for your zodiac sign, according to PEOPLE's resident astrologer Kyle Thomas' predictions

<p>Getty</p> What October


What October's full moon means for you

Jack-o-lanters won't be the only thing aglow this spooky season!

The month's full moon, nicknamed the Hunter's Moon and doubling as a supermoon, will radiate the night sky when it reaches its peak at 4:26 a.m. on Oct. 17.

Sky watchers are getting a Halloween treat a little early, too, as the October full moon will be the largest supermoon of the year! At its nearest point, it will be 222,055 miles from Earth and appear 7% larger than normal.

Astrologically, October's full moon will be in Aries. According to PEOPLE's resident astrologer Kyle Thomas, its energy will bring "momentum, enthusiasm and passion to our lives" around this time. "We may feel invigorated and inspired to launch in new directions or carve out the future."

The cosmic effects of a full moon can be felt three to four days before and after it peaks, but Thomas says it's often "most intense" on the exact day it reaches its fullest phase. It's also important to note that full moons "echo the patterns" initiated by their corresponding new moon.

Thomas predicts "mixed energies" will result from this month's full moon and its planetary dynamics. Since it's directly square with Mars, he says an "insatiable need to fulfill our personal or professional desires" will be felt. "We will stop at nothing to get what we want."

The outer planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will be in "a lovely embrace," says Thomas, noting we could see "great progress" in the future if we choose to simultaneously build a better life for ourselves and the world around us.

Read on for what October's full moon means for your zodiac sign, according to Kyle Thomas' predictions!

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

Horoscope Constellation Aries
Horoscope Constellation Aries

Embrace your power, Aries and step into the spotlight! "The most important lunation of the year has arrived for you," predicts Thomas.

As October's full moon energizes your zodiac sign, he says it will "infuse you with passion, desire and enthusiasm." As a result, he predicts "a dearly held goal, project or dream that you’ve been building toward could now be within reach."

Capitalize on this energy, though. "Assert yourself and show the world that you are ready to revel in your victories," Thomas suggests.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Horoscope Constellation Taurus
Horoscope Constellation Taurus

Go with the flow, Taurus! "This lunation could have you feeling a bit burnt out," says Thomas.

"Listen to your natural rhythms and if you’re able to take some time off for some rest and relaxation, go for it," he puts forth. "Schedule a spa day, sleep in or allow yourself time to nap."

You may also see a "turning point" with a particular project in development during this lunation, Thomas predicts. It could also give you the strength to "heal your past, let go and move on."

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Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Horoscope Constellation Gemini
Horoscope Constellation Gemini

Put yourself out there, Gemini. Network up a storm if you can because Thomas says this full moon is firing you up to be "seen, heard and known."

Your social life could be busier than ever, too, so he suggests focusing on what you want to "manifest" in the year ahead and figuring out "who you know that can help you achieve your goals."

Elsewhere in his prediction, Thomas says "you’ll likely attend an exhilarating event near this time." If you're not in a romantic relationship, he also suggests "using this firepower" for online dating or meeting new people through mutual friends.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Horoscope Constellation Cancer
Horoscope Constellation Cancer

Be proud and mighty, Cancer! Victory is calling your name.

"The full moon will erupt around you like celebratory fireworks," predicts Thomas. "A big culmination or turning point could arrive in regards to your ambitions, career and professional life," he adds, noting "a promotion, new job offer, milestone or recognition" could be right around the corner!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Horoscope Constellation Leo
Horoscope Constellation Leo

Soar to new heights, Leo! "It’s time to shake up your routine," says Thomas.

The full moon is energizing you to "step out of your comfort zone, try new things and look at life from a newfound perspective," he explains. "You may now be reaching a turning point or culmination around an international business or travel endeavor or in regards to academics, spirituality, media or legalities."

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Horoscope Constellation Virgo
Horoscope Constellation Virgo

Intimacy will be top of mind, Virgo. Prepare to get deep in partnerships.

"You’ll be eager to assess the true strength in your relationships," says Thomas. "If you’re not on the same page, it will be explicitly shown and it’s time to be upfront and hash it out. This lunation could cause you to go your separate ways, especially if you’re finalizing a divorce settlement."

Elsewhere in his prediction, Thomas says this full moon "could bring a big shift to your assets, investments and large money matters."

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Horoscope Constellation Libra
Horoscope Constellation Libra

The heart wants what it wants, Libra. Unite or break apart now.

"The full moon is bringing dramatic change to your significant partnership in business or love," says Thomas. "This could bring you closer together and allow you to move in, make long-term promises, get engaged or even tie the knot."

If you’re not on the same page, however, Thomas says you’re likely to "face the music and go your separate ways." He adds, "Singles can line up options that possess long-term potential."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Horoscope Constellation Scorpio
Horoscope Constellation Scorpio

Prepare to grind, Scorpio. The full moon will make you "especially busy," predicts Thomas.

"Your work-life balance is going to be top of mind as you’re juggling your routines, responsibilities, projects, plans and priorities," he puts forth. "You could be polishing off a big project for your employer or even leaving one job for the next."

If you want to see a change in your health, Thomas says to "use the full moon's energy" now. This can be as simple as changing up your diet or trying a new workout plan.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Life is good, Sagittarius. Embrace your passions and listen to your heart.

"The full moon could bring you a rapture of passion, romance and joy," predicts Thomas. "Singles may cross paths with a soulmate or find that they’re falling in love, while couples can use this energy to reignite their spark."

If you have children or are looking to, Thomas says this lunation "will put a spotlight" on these areas. If you’re involved in sports or the arts, he predicts "you’ll see exciting news now."

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Horoscope Constellation Capricorn
Horoscope Constellation Capricorn

It’s time to dig deep now, Capricorn. This lunation spotlights your "domestic life," Thomas makes known.

"A big change could be at hand in regards to family, home or real estate," he says. "Some of you may move, get a new roommate or decide to redecorate or renovate."

If something important pops up in regards to family or parents, Thomas says to "jump on top of it" quickly.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Horoscope Constellation Aquarius
Horoscope Constellation Aquarius

Your ideas are swirling, Aquarius! "You’ll find your mind is firing on all cylinders," says Thomas.

This full moon could bring a "turning point or culmination" to an important writing, speaking, advertising or communications-related project, he predicts. "Contracts could also pop up for negotiation or signing now."

Elsewhere in his prediction, Thomas says "you may feel invigorated for a quick road trip or jet-setting adventure." Whichever it may be, free your mind and explore!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Horoscope Constellation Pisces
Horoscope Constellation Pisces

Money on the mind, Pisces! The full moon will bring "shifts around income and expenses," predicts Thomas.

He says it'll be "visibly clear now" depending on how you've been building or spending for the past six months or longer. "A raise, new job offer, lucrative client or side hustle could appear."

If not, Thomas says to "expect a hefty expense where you’ll have to sign on the dotted line."

Kyle Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE's weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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