Baby Name Regret: One Fifth Of Parents Aren’t Happy With Their Little One’s Moniker

‘I could have told you Mhavryck was a bad idea mum!’ [Photo: Rex Features]
Whether you spend hours poring over baby name websites or you turn to your favourite box set character for inspo, naming an actual human being is a big responsibility. And the last thing you want to have is baby name regret. But according to a new survey that’s exactly how a fifth of new parents in the UK are feeling about their choice of baby moniker.
An online poll of more than 1,000 parents carried out by Mumsnet found that 18% of parents regretted the name they chose for their offspring, but only 2% actually changed their child’s name.
Turns out when it comes to baby names we like to be a bit unique as the main reason parents cited for any regret was how regularly the name was used by others, with a quarter claiming their baby’s name was now too popular.
The next most common reasons for regretting a child’s name were “it just doesn’t feel right” (21%) and “I have never liked it - I was pressured into using it” (20%.)

‘You called me what?!’ [Photo: Rex Features]
Other reasons given included: “It’s not distinctive enough”; “It causes him/her problems with spelling/pronunciation”; “It doesn’t suit him/her”; and “Everyone calls him/her by a shortened version of the name, which I don’t like”.
While 3% of those who expressed regret said there had been a “shift in public perception of the name since my child was born”.
For a third of those who got cold feet about their tot’s name, regrets emerged within the first six weeks. While for 23%, the trigger was their child starting school or nursery.
Justine Roberts, founder of the parents’ forum Mumsnet, told BBC. “Choosing your baby’s name is one of the first things new parents do, so in some ways baby name regret is great practice for parenting - you do a lot of hard work and research, try to please several people at once, and end up getting it wrong.
"The consolation is that most children grow into their names, and those who don’t can always fall back on middle names, nicknames or, in extremis, deed polls.”

‘You’ve only got yourself to blame mum!’ One fifth of parents have baby name regret [Photo: Rex Features]
According to the survey one mother admitted to choosing Isis for her daughter years ago, inspired by the ancient Egyptian goddess, and was horrified to find the name taken by a terrorist group. Another mum started regretting naming her daughter Elsa, the moment the Disney film Frozen was released and spawned hundreds of other mini Elsas.
But unless she’s willing to change her daughter’s name by deed poll we guess she’s just gonna have to Let It Go. *groans*
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