Apparently, This Is What the Ideal Male Body Type Looks Like

Apparently, This Is What the Ideal Male Body Type Looks Like

It’s what’s inside that counts, right? Perhaps. But let’s be honest with ourselves, sometimes, just sometimes, we would like to be lusted over. Or, at the very least, feel wanted. But knowing what women look for in man isn't easy. That is, however, until now.

According to data and surveys collected by Treadmill Reviews, 1,000 Americans were asked to put together the most attractive body types by gender that they could come up with.

Their data was then taken and used to create 3D models to represent what the people surveyed found most attractive. Under 6ft? Probably best to look away now.

perfect male body
Frazer Harrison - Getty Images

The 'Perfect' Man

The average ‘perfect man’ would be just a tad taller than 6 feet with a weight of 187lbs. That’s roughly the size of Bradley Cooper, Channing Tatum or Gerard Butler, in case you were wondering.

They also collected data on the most desirable body traits and body parts.

Want to know if you make the grade? Read on.

Body Type

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 187lbs

Chest: 41inches

Waist: 33inches

Exercise: 7 hours a week

Most Desirable Body t=Traits

Hair colour: brown 42%; blonde 22.5%; black 21%; red 11%

Eye colour: blue 35%; brown 26%; green 22%; hazel 10%

Skin tone: fair 35%; medium 33%; olive 15%; light 10%; brown 3.5%

Body Parts Most Attracted to

Face: 33%

Bum: 21%

Chest: 15%

Eyes: 10%

Legs: 8%

Stomach: 3%

We're not sure if this story and these figures are supposed to make you feel better or worse about yourself. And while we can't change the shape of your face, we can certainly help add inches to your chest, bulk up your biceps, and even improve your odor. You'll be halfway there in no time.

What Do Men Consider the Ideal Male Body Type?

Okay, so we know what women think is the ideal male body type, but what do us guys think? To find out, we consulted elite trainer Gunnar Peterson, who has overseen workout sessions from the likes of Sylvester Stallone, Tom Brady and Mike Tyson at his exclusive Beverly Hills gym.

Peterson says that the number one body men want to emulate is none other than Mr 4am workouts himself, Mark Wahlberg. ‘I think his physique is balanced, is developed, it's symmetrical and it's relatable,’ says Peterson.

It may be all those things, but is Wahlberg's body achievable for the average Joe? Peterson says that what it takes to build a body like the Hollywood actor is being ‘freakishly consistent’.

‘Can you be as consistent as he is? Maybe not,’ says Peterson, ‘but if you use that as your benchmark, you'll be more consistent than you are right now, and that will get you closer to that physique.’

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