Americans are finally discovering The Inbetweeners and their reaction is priceless

The Inbetweeners
-Credit: (Image: John Wright)

The iconic E4 sitcom The Inbetweeners, which debuted on our screens back in 2008, has found a new legion of fans across the pond, thanks to its unforgettable comedic flair.

Following four awkward teenage boys navigating the rough seas of adolescence with the goal of catching the eye of their female peers, the show's scenes are tickling the funny bones of viewers in the United States. While the full series hasn't landed on an American TV network, the power of TikTok has introduced across-the-board joy as users share belly-laugh-inducing clips from the beloved programme.

Despite the US attempting to recreate The Inbetweeners magic with its own version in 2012, which was short-lived, being axed by MTV after just one season, the essence of the UK original remains unmatched. Kudos to Andy Padilla, a US-based TikTok enthusiast, who's whipped up a wave of nostalgia and hilarity with his devoted account to the OG teen comedy.

His recent post, featuring the boys hilariously trying to dance their way into the hearts of a few girls at a nearly deserted club, quickly went viral, clocking in over a million views.

Andy confessed to his newfound obsession, saying, "I only stumbled onto it accidentally. It's absolutely comedic gold," right there in the comments section of the now-viral video. He revealed: "I've only found it last week, I'm in Texas. I don't know many people who have heard of it."

The love for The Inbetweeners knows no bounds, and Brits chimed in with glee on TikTok, thrilled to see Americans get a slice of this quintessentially British humour. One Brit shared the sentiment: "Us Brits love watching Americans seeing it for the first time! ", capturing the shared delight of the cultural exchange.

Another enthused: "Seeing someone experience this for the first time is class." A third chuckled: "Americans watching Inbetweeners will always make me laugh."

And a fourth pleaded: "More Inbetweeners reactions please, I find this hilarious."

Meanwhile, other American viewers discovering the show chimed in with their newfound love. Excitedly, one admitted: "Never seen this before but it's seems so friggen hilarious! " Another confessed: "I've watched this clip 10 times. I'm laughing harder each time,".

And as the comments rolled in, British fans couldn't help themselves - they started listing off more cult classics for their Stateside friends to devour next, among them Misfits, Friday Night Dinner, and Bottom.