Adults Over 40 — Tell Me About A Tiny Decision You Made That Ended Up Changing The Course Of Your Life

We make millions of decisions in our lifetimes — some of which feel huge at the time but end up being meaningless, and others that seem small and inconsequential but can end up changing our lives entirely. With the benefit of time, we can look back and evaluate those decisions to see which ones actually ended up being really significant.

So I want to know — what tiny decision did you make, and how did it impact the course of your life?

It could be that quitting a job you hated helped you find your true passion.

A man in business attire, carrying a box with office items, happily exits a building while people sit in a meeting room in the background
Skynesher / Getty Images

Maybe a random college elective led to you meeting your business partner.

Two individuals stand by a window. A woman in a sleeveless blouse is holding and pointing at a tablet, while a man in glasses and a blazer observes
Rick Gomez / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

Maybe a hobby you picked up drove you to move to a beautiful new location.

A woman wearing a wetsuit stands on a beach holding a surfboard, looking away from the ocean with a contemplative expression
Maki Nakamura / Getty Images

Or you could have found a roommate on Craigslist only to end up meeting the love of your life.

Two smiling men in a kitchen, cooking together. One is holding a tasting spoon and laughing, while the other watches him affectionately
Jordi Salas / Getty Images

Whatever that tiny decision was, I want to know about it! Comment below with the decision you made and the effect it had on your life. You can also fill out this form if you prefer to remain anonymous. Your response may be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!