60 Extremely Rare Historical Pictures And Other Fascinating Images That Completely And Totally Blew My Mind Last Month

1.This is the world's tallest statue, the Statue of Unity:

A large crowd visiting the Statue of Unity, a monumental statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in India, situated between two rows of covered walkways

2.And here's how big the TOES of the statue are:

People pose near the enormous feet of a giant statue. A woman in a sari on the left, and a man in casual clothing on the right lean against the statue

Somebody get me Mr. Tarantino.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

3.This is what the New York City skyline looked like in 1931:

Aerial view of New York City with the skyline and skyscrapers casting long shadows. The horizon features large water bodies in the distance
/ Alamy Stock Photo

4.And here's what it looks like today:

Aerial view of New York City featuring dense skyscrapers, with the Empire State Building prominently in the center and Manhattan in the background

There are at LEAST two new buildings there.

C. Taylor Crothers / Getty Images

5.Chile is very, very, very, very, very, very long:

Map of Europe with a highlighted route from the northern tip of Norway, through Sweden and other countries, ending in Tunisia

6.A school bus looks like a tiny little baby next to a haul truck:

A school bus looking tiny behind a huge truck on a highway


u/FACTORthebeast / Via reddit.com

7.This is the earliest known picture of Abraham Lincoln, taken in 1946:

Abraham Lincoln, in a formal portrait, sits while wearing a dark suit and a bow tie, with his hand resting on a chair

My man Abraham is looking bright-eyed AND bushy-tailed.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

8.And this is what Abraham Lincoln looked like 19 years later, in 1865:

Abraham Lincoln seated, wearing a suit and bow tie, with his hands resting in his lap.

The man had a stressful life, folks.

Historical / Corbis via Getty Images

9.This is how little of a train actually touches the tracks:

Close-up view of a heavy industrial machine in a workshop, showing detailed mechanical parts and structures. No identifiable persons are present

It's a smidge. A SMIDGE!

u/xwhv / Via reddit.com

10.This is what a pair of George Washington's dentures looked like:

Dentures worn by George Washington, displayed on a stand in a museum exhibit

11.This is what yet another "American section" in a European grocery store looks like:

A fully stocked grocery store aisle with various snacks, cereals, and beverages. A red step stool is on the floor. No people are present

It's so... beautiful.

u/viper139 / Via reddit.com

12.This is how big the largest shark that ever lived, the Megalodon, was compared to a human:

A diver faces a gigantic shark underwater, with the shark's mouth wide open, seemingly ready to attack

I probably would win that fight, but I'm built different.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

13.And here's how big the jaws of the Megalodon were compared to a human:

A person sits inside a large set of prehistoric shark jaws, highlighting the massive size difference

Again, I could take it.

Smith Collection / Getty Images

14.This is what the United Kingdom looks like from space:

Satellite view of the United Kingdom, showing Scotland, England, and Wales surrounded by water with visible cloud formations overhead

I think I see your mum.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

15.This is what a wind turbine looks like after being hit by a tornado:

A broken wind turbine stands tall in a field, with its blades bent and twisted downward. A dirt path leads towards it under a dark, cloudy sky

Wish I could show it some funny TikToks to cheer it up.

u/green____cat / Via reddit.com

16.This is Pauline Musters, the shortest woman ever to live:

A man in a suit balances a woman standing on his right hand. Both are looking at the camera

17.This is how big everyone's favorite telescope, the Hubble Telescope, is:

Scientists in cleanroom suits work on the Hubble Space Telescope inside a large indoor facility

KRGEAC The Hubble Space Telescope at the Lockheed assembly plant 8913987

/ Alamy Stock Photo

18.One of the biggest fads of the 1950s was "phonebooth stuffing," where-in a bunch of people would, well, stuff themselves into a phonebooth:

A large group of men, many dressed similarly, are attempting to fit inside a telephone booth while onlookers watch and laugh in the background

19.This is what the pyramids of Giza look like from a plane:

Aerial view of the Great Pyramid of Giza surrounded by the city of Giza, with visible roads and sparse clouds. No people are present in the image

So tiny, yet so triangular.

u/htplex / Via reddit.com

20.This is Jacques Plante, who in 1959 became the first goalie to ever wear a protective face mask:

Jacques Plante, wearing a Montreal Canadiens jersey, sits in a locker room holding a hockey mask. His face shows signs of injury

You can clearly see why.

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

21.During World War II, babies in England were fitted with baby-sized gas masks that were comically large:

Three nurses are wearing gas masks and holding infants also in gas masks in a hospital hallway

Not baby-sized at all!

Universal History Archive / Universal Images Group via Getty Images

22.This is what the same food looks like deep fried vs. air fried:

A hand holds a broken stuffed ball of fried dough, revealing a green filling, in a kitchen with white cabinets and a towel hanging on the oven handle

Nature is incredible.

u/initiative-gullible / Via reddit.com

23.You're probably familiar with a blob fish, that lovable, kinda human-looking fish with the super-weird face...

Three blob fish on a counter
Hum Images / HUM Images / Universal Images Group via Getty Images

24.Well, this is what a blob fish looks like in its natural environment, before it's been subjected to immense changes in pressure:

A deep-sea fish rests on the ocean floor amongst sponges and corals

My man Blobby!

Central Historic Books / Alamy Stock Photo

25.This is a picture taken during Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova Expedition to the Antarctic. None of the men on the expedition would survive:

Two individuals stand at the entrance of an ice cave with icicles hanging from the ceiling, while a ship is seen in the snowy landscape outside

You can see the ship behind the two men pictured.

Scott Polar Research Institute, / Getty Images

26.This is what a shark's brain looks like compared to a dolphin's brain:

A shark's brain compared to a dolphin brain

Tough look for all my sharks out there.

u/fatallygreasy / Via reddit.com

27.This is what a great grey owl looks like compared to its skeleton:

An owl perched on a wooden branch next to a small animal skeleton. No people or text are present

Owls are the opposite of "big boned."

u/no_emu_1332 / Via reddit.com

28.These were some of the job necessities for a TWA flight attendant in the 1940s:

Air Hostess Qualifications: Age, 21 to 26; height, 5'2" to 5'6"; weight, 100 to 130 lbs; education, 1 year of college or a registered nurse; must be single and have good vision

29.This is a 3D rendering of the surface of Venus:

3D rendering of Maat Mons, a volcanic peak on the surface of Venus. Rugged terrain with elevated central peak is visible

30.This is what $100 in brand new five dollar bills looks like:

Stack of US five-dollar bills on a table with a blurry background of additional banknotes

I wish to sniff it.

u/der_innkeeper / Via reddit.com

31.This is what the border between the US and Canada looks like in Eureka, Montana:

A lush, green forest landscape with a distant view of water and mountains, framed by tall trees on either side of a descending grassy path

Very neat!

u/raulboy / Via reddit.com

32.This is what a closeup of a line drawn with a red crayon on a piece of paper looks like under a microscope:

A mesh-looking white surface with reddish sections


u/EthanolEthan / Via reddit.com

33.This is what a candle flame looks like in zero gravity:

Close-up of a soldering iron tip, with a small piece of melted solder at the end, held against a blurred background of lights

Looks like a wee little jellyfish.

Space Frontiers / Getty Images

34.This is one of the last pictures taken of President Harry S. Truman, shortly before his death in 1972:

Three elderly men in suits stand together, two holding rectangular boxes. They are in a formal room with a cane near one man. Names unknown

I would've told you Truman died in 1959 if you asked me.

Harry S. Truman Library

35.Selfies aren't a new invention. Here's a woman taking a selfie from the year 1900:

A person, holding an early camera, taking a mirror selfie in a vintage-decorated room. The reflection shows a detailed interior with lace curtains and framed pictures

We see you, 1900s lady.

Kirn Vintage Stock / Corbis via Getty Images

36.This is Samantha Ramsdell, the woman with the world's largest mouth gape:

Woman with a surprised expression holding a large round bread with a cross shape on it

It measures 2.56 inches in width.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

37.Before it became that iconic sign all us sign-heads know and love, the Hollywood sign read "Hollywoodland":

Driving on a winding road towards the original Hollywoodland sign on a hillside, featuring vintage cars from the early 20th century

Bring back the "LAND" 2024.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

38.Lemons, my boy... lemons can be gigantic:

A hand is holding a large, textured citrus fruit outdoors

Big fellah.

u/edenchaosgamer / Via reddit.com

39.This is how large the statue of David's, uh, rear-end is:

A conservator in a white lab coat and helmet works on cleaning Michelangelo's David sculpture using a vacuum and brush, standing on a scaffold

My goodness.

Tiziana Fabi / AFP via Getty Images

40.This is what Times Square looked like in 1921:

Times Square in 1921

We need more razor blades keen to shave me.

Edwin Levick / Getty Images

41.This is what the inside of a gas stove looks like:

A stovetop with four burners lit, showing exposed wiring and connections


u/sankalpana / Via reddit.com

42.Lots of US presidents have spoken multiple languages — here's a list of every purportedly multilingual president:

Many early presidents were fluent in Latin and/or ancient Greek, including John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Buchanan; Teddy Roosevelt and FDR were fluent in French and German; Martin Van Buren was a native Dutch speaker

Shoutout to the Little Magician and his Dutch prowess.


43.Hotels used to have to put up signs explaining that electricity is safe and not to be feared:

Sign reads: "This room is equipped with Edison electric light. Do not use matches. Turn key on wall. Electricity is safe for health and sleep."

44.In 1933, A.L. Kahn caught a 5,000-pound manta ray off the coast of Florida:

A man stands next to a huge manta ray

And then he brought it to New Jersey, naturally.

Alamy Stock Photo

45.This is what an anaconda looks like in the wild:

A giant squiggly anaconda on the side of a dirt road

46.This is what a toucan's skeleton looks like:

A bird skeleton with a huge bill behind glass

Not sure what I was expecting.

u/paulschal / Via reddit.com

47.This is how tiny a hummingbird's feather is compared to a penny:

A 1989 U.S. penny is next to a small feather and a tiny pink and black object on a yellowish surface

Folks, do we stan hummingbirds? Let me know.

u/sonomabud42069 / Via reddit.com

48.This is what a chimpanzee's hand looks like up close:

A chimp hand

49.Baby owls sleep facedown, on their stomachs:

Baby owl lying flat facedown on sand or dirt

50.NASA gave some spiders a bunch of different drugs and recorded how it changed the way they made webs:

Six spider webs are shown with labels: "Normal Web," "Marijuana," "Benzedrine," "Caffeine," "Chloral hydrate." Text states NASA scientists studied spiders' web patterns on different drugs

Next time give the spider a cold, crisp Miller Lite and watch perfection.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

51.This is how big a size 18 shoe is compared with a can of soda:

The sneaker is at least three or four times higher than the can

Size 18 feet are gigantic...who knew?

u/madman751 / Via reddit.com

52.Speed limits can sometimes be wacky numbers:

Speed limit sign reading "23" with a rainbow gradient. Below, a sign says "All persons without a paid permit will be issued a citation."

53.This is what Antarctica would look like if all its ice melted:

A detailed map depicting a fictional landmass surrounded by ocean, featuring diverse terrain including mountains, valleys, and lakes

The rest of the world would also look a lot more wet.

u/geo-ict / Via reddit.com

54.These are some of several disguises that US Intelligence thought Adolph Hitler would use if he managed to go into hiding after World War II:

A composite image showing two unnumbered photos of Adolf Hitler on the right and two altered photos on the left, with varying facial hair styles in black and white


Alamy Stock Photo

55.You're definitely familiar with King Tutankhamun's gold funerary mask, but did you know that the masks of other pharaohs have been found? This is the mask of the pharaoh Amenemope, circa 1000 BC:

Golden burial mask of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh with detailed headdress and intricate facial features

Really, really cool but, and no offense to my man Amenemope, it kind of looks like the generic grocery store brand of Tut's.

Dea / De Agostini via Getty Images

56.NASA recently captured one of the clearest pictures of Jupiter yet:

A detailed, NASA image of Jupiter reveals its swirling cloud bands and iconic Great Red Spot, showcasing the planet's dynamic atmosphere and distinctive features

Look at my boy Jupey!

Makhbubakhon Ismatova / Getty Images/iStockphoto

57.When Mount Vesuvius erupted in Ancient Rome, the explosion carbonized several loaves of ancient Roman bread:

Various pieces of burnt bread from the Roman town of Herculaneum, preserved and displayed in a glass case at a museum exhibit. People are visible in the background

58.This is what the skull of a typical dog looks like compared to a pug's skull:

Two animal skulls, one larger and elongated on the left, the other smaller and rounder on the right, placed on a ribbed surface against a gray background


u/drmoe_zed / Via reddit.com

59.This is the last picture ever taken of President Ulysses S. Grant, snapped days before his death at his home:

Ulysses S. Grant on his porch

Shoutout Ulysses.

Afro Newspaper / Getty Images

60.This is what Mount Everest looks like from the window of a plane:

Mount Everest and surrounding snowcapped mountains