6 things that happen to your vagina on your period you might not be aware of

a woman wearing red underwear
Exactly what happens to your vagina on your periodLuis Alvarez - Getty Images

Whether you know your cycle like the back of your hand, or that warning streak of blood in your knickers is an unexpected (and perhaps unwelcome) surprise, your period is a pretty weird and wonderful time of the month. While you might presume vaginal itching on your period, blood clots, yeast infections and even taking more poos than normal (yes, really, your period really is doing that to your stomach) are cause for concern, even some of the seemingly strangest symptoms are all just part of nature doing its job.

So, we spoke to gynaecologist Dr Anita Mitra, aka Instagram’s no-nonsense Gynae Geek, as well as women's health specialist Dr Aziza Sesay to get the lowdown on what’s normal when it comes to your vagina around your menstrual cycle, and what warrants a trip to the doctor’s office.

1. Itching is a rite of passage

Not only is having an itchy vagina on your period normal, but it's actually very common. "It happens due to a fluctuation in the ‘vaginal microbiome’, bacteria that resides healthily in your vagina," says Dr Anita. "The change in hormones and presence of blood result in a slight change in the bacterial population and yeasts (which cause thrush), both of which can cause itching."

Dr Sesay adds: "Hormonal changes that occur during this phase of the cycle is a common reason. There is often a drop in the sex hormone (oestrogen and progesterone) levels during this time which can lead to vaginal dryness and reduced lubrication in the area and this in turn may cause itching and irritation. These hormonal changes can also affect the vaginal pH and subsequently its microbiome."

Dr Sesay continues that sometimes, these changes could lead to thrush of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) - if the itching is particularly bothersome, it's important to speak to a GP.

Some find that tampons make itching worse, but this varies from person to person, explains Dr Anita: "While there are a lot of scary stories about tampons containing awful chemicals that can cause irritation or worse – and that organic tampons are better – there’s no firm evidence to back this up."

"One of the most important things you absolutely should not do is douche (clean the inside) or use feminine hygiene washes, because this can make the itching worse," she adds. "They wash away the good bacteria, meaning yeasts and bacteria that you don't want are able to grow even more, so it becomes a vicious circle." FYI, some odour is normal – blood itself has a distinct smell – but douching will just make period blood smell worse.

2. Your vagina’s pH level changes

Your vagina is slightly acidic, explains Dr Sesay: "Its pH is between 3.8 and 4.5. This acidity helps create an environment that prevents harmful bacteria and other microorganisms from thriving whilst promoting the growth of good bacteria. Maintaining this pH is essential for optimal vaginal health, anything that disrupts the pH, will affect the balance of the microbiome and can lead to infections, inflammation and irritation."

"The vagina’s low pH helps protect you from bacterial STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea and also viral infections including HIV and HPV (the virus that causes cervical cancer)," agrees Dr Anita.

Around the time of your period, your vagina’s pH level (basically a measure of how acidic or not it is) actually increases slightly. You’ve no doubt heard that you’re more likely to contract a yeast infection while on your period because of this, but the jury’s still well and truly out. "For some people it's in the middle of the cycle because of higher levels of oestrogen, which yeasts love," says Dr Anita. "But I see plenty of women who tend to get yeast infections around the time of their period, too. This may be because the change in the bacterial population enables it to thrive, take over and cause that awful itchy discharge that most of us know – and none of us love."

woman holds a panty liner as she sits in bed

3. The cervix softens slightly

This is your body’s way of making sure that the blood flows out of your body during your period. "It happens as a response to release of prostaglandins, which are small chemical messengers involved in the inflammatory response," Dr Anita explains. "Fun fact: these were first discovered in semen and called prostaglandins because they were thought to originate from the prostate gland."

4. You have contractions (even though you’re not about to give birth)

No, seriously. In response to hormones known as prostaglandins, your womb makes small, rhythmic contractions.

"This hormone causes the muscle layer of the uterus/womb to contract to help shed the lining of the womb during this phase of the cycle," explains Dr Sesay. "The release of prostaglandins is a normal part of the menstrual cycle and contributes to the process of menstruation. In some people, higher levels of this hormone can be associated with increased uterine contractions which lead to intense, severe and debilitating cramping and discomfort."

"This process is to ensure the lining is shed and makes its way down and out through the cervix and into the vagina," Dr Anita adds. "It’s also the reason for period pain, which you may experience in your lower abdomen, but also in your back, buttocks and thighs due to the connection of the nerves that supply the pelvic area."

woman sitting on toilet and holding a hygienic tampon in her hands

5. … Which make you poo more

Those prostaglandins we mentioned earlier also cause your bowels to contract, and that in turn causes you to need the toilet more.

"These hormones can also affect the smooth muscle of the intestines and bowels which respond in a similar way in that they contract too," Dr Sesay says. "This can lead to increased bowel activity. When this happens, there is less time for the body to reabsorb water from the bowels. This is why some people notice that they poo more frequently when they are on their period and that their poo is also more runny.

"Other factors can also include the fact that there is often more water retention during this time which also affects bowel movement; changes to diet with cravings during menstruation impacting bowel movements; and possibly increased stress and anxiety during this phase of the cycle which may also contribute to changes in bowel movements."

Dr Anita adds: "The drop in progesterone also contributes, as higher levels of progesterone are suggested to slow down gut motility (movement)." So if you’re pooing more than normal, don’t sweat it.

6. It produces anticoagulants to prevent blood clots

What does a period look like? Well, firstly, it's not just blood and can include clots.

"The blood lost during your period comes away from the wall of the womb and will clot inside, so your body has to make anticoagulants – chemicals which break down clots – in order to re-liquify the blood so it can flow out," Dr Anita says.

Clotting may look pretty sinister, but it’s usually nothing to worry about. "If the amount of blood present exceeds the speed at which your body can make these anticoagulants you may experience clots, which can escape through your softened cervix. They tend to be small, usually no more than the size of a 50 pence coin. However larger clots, and lots of them, is a sign that there’s quite heavy bleeding going on, so it’s worth visiting your GP to check it's not causing anaemia and whether there’s an underlying reason."

Irregular period symptoms that Dr Sesay and Dr Anita says aren’t normal and require a GP visit:

1. Persistent itching

While some vaginal itching on your period is normal, if it’s constant and doesn’t go away it could be a sign of something else. "There are some other causes that potentially need to be ruled out including skin disorders such as lichen sclerosus (causes itchy white patches on the genitals or other parts of the body), which requires a different type of treatment," says Dr Anita.

2. Excruciating pain

"It's normal for your period to be a bit uncomfortable, but pain that doesn't go away with regular paracetamol, ibuprofen, rest and a hot water bottle may be a sign of an underlying problem, such as endometriosis, and may need further investigation," explains Dr Anita.

3. Very heavy bleeding

"Heavy is defined in the text books as more than 80ml – not helpful! – while others say changing pads/tampons every two hours, but it's difficult to give a threshold that's right for everyone," Dr Anita says. "If your period is so heavy that it interferes with your daily life, causes you to feel unwell, starts to become heavier or just generally concerns you, it's worth going to have a chat with your GP. It's usually a non-sinister cause, and could actually be related to something like a thyroid problem which is simple to treat. It's also worth checking you're not anaemic as a result."

4. Bleeding outside of your period

OK, not strictly 'during', but your period is the only time of the month that you're supposed to bleed. Don't be afraid to go and speak to your GP if you're bleeding between periods, including after sex. It's usually something completely benign but always warrants seeking medical advice, as in a tiny minority of cases it can be a sign of something serious.

5. Your period is suddenly much longer than normal

"A typical period length is between 2-7 days – any longer is considered a long period and if this is on-going or new, it is worth seeing a doctor for a review," explains Dr Sesay. "They are likely to ask several questions about your periods and this is why it’s so helpful knowing, tracking and understanding your cycle.

"They would typically ask when your period first started, how they have progressed over the years, regularity of the periods, how heavy the periods are - are there any clots being passed, does the bleeding flood through clothes, is there a need to double up on pads, is it heavy throughout the 7 days plus; how it is impacting the your life, any family history of gynaecological problems and so on."

6. Irregular hair growth

'"If your periods have always been irregular and you notice that you grow hair on your face, chest or tummy or you struggle with acne, weight gain and fertility, it may be due to a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome which is caused by hormonal imbalances that lead to the symptoms described above," Dr Sesay says. "It can cause the ovaries to have multiple cysts and can have an effect on fertility. This is something that can be assessed by your doctor and often involves blood tests and an ultrasound scan. Other causes of irregular periods include infection, stress, significant weight changes, other hormonal imbalances eg. thyroid disorders, medications such as steroids and less likely, cancer."

But again with all of these, don't panic, just speak to your doctor as soon as possible!

This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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