5 arguments every household has about energy

arguments about energy in the home
5 arguments about energy, solved!Fly View Productions - Getty Images

No matter how much you love the people you live with, every household has its tiffs that come up again and again.

Bickering about one person staying too long in the shower or another leaving lights on around the house used to seem trivial, but not so much anymore. With the cost of energy soaring and winter well on the way, most of us are looking seriously at ways that we can cut down their electricity and gas bills.

"Energy is so expensive these days that anything we can do to reduce consumption is welcome," says Kevin Pratt, energy expert from Forbes Advisor. "It's crucial to start thinking about changing habits, from the way we keep warm to the way we cook food. "

Everyone has a different opinion on what actually drives up our energy bills, so we put consulted the experts to put an end to these squabbles once and for all!

1. What is the right temperature for your home?

Everyone has a different preference when it comes to the central heating: some people want their bedroom to be chilly so they can snuggle up, while others dread climbing out of bed if the room isn't nice and warm.

At the moment, the cost of energy is so high that it's a good idea to put on some layers and set your home to the lowest comfortable temperature. According to Energy Saving Trust (EST), this will be between 18°C and 21°C for most households.

If someone in the family is sneakily turning up the thermostat, this does actually make a difference — even if it's just by one degree. Research by EST shows that turning the heating down by just one degree could save you around £145 a year, which is a fact worth mentioning during family discussions about how warm the house should be!

arguments about energy in the home
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2. Is it okay to leave the fridge door open?

Every household has that person that leaves the fridge door open while they butter their toast or pour milk into their tea. They may think this is fine if it's only for a minute, but the experts actually say that this isn't a good habit for a few reasons.

The energy used by fridges and freezers make up around 13% of the average household bill. Of course, they have to be on all the time, so there's not much you can do about them using up a lot of energy – except for making sure that you shut the door.

“According to industry estimates the cost of running a fridge-freezer now costs just over £17 every week, while leaving the fridge door open – even intermittently – can account for up to 7% of its total energy use," says Laura Howard, energy expert at Forbes Advisor. "That’s because it’s not just the cold air that’s escaping, it’s the extra work your fridge is doing to push the warm air back out again and re-regulate its temperature."

As well as being a waste of energy, leaving the door open can increase the temperature of your fridge, causing your food to go off quicker which is another waste of money!

3. How long should you shower for?

We've all had mornings when we're left running late because someone's locked themselves in the bathroom for a leisurely shower. Not only is this a pretty bad way to start the day, it's driving up your energy bills.

Keeping your shower time to four minutes could save the average household around £95 a year on your energy bill and around £60 on your water meter. As well as being good for your wallet, using less water is also better for the planet.

You could also try switching your shower head to a more efficient aerated one as this could help you save a total of £70 a year.

arguments about energy in the home
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4. Is it okay to leave the lights on?

It can be infuriating to walk into an empty room to find the lights on, and as energy bills get higher, this may become a bigger source of tension at home.

Turning off the lights when you leave a room can save you around £25 a year. While this may not be the biggest saving on this list, it's easy enough to do and so it's probably worth encouraging everyone in the house to get into the habit. It's a good idea to switch to LED bulbs as this could save you even more and they're also better for the environment.

5. Can I leave devices on standby?

When you're dozing off on the sofa, it sure is tempting to hit the standby button on your remote instead of getting up to turn it off. It is worth the trip across the room, though, as many devices still drain energy on standby mode.

You can save around £65 a year by switching your devices off standby, according to EST. This includes not only your TV but your microwave, games console, computer, printer and top box — but remember that this will need to be switched on to continue recording your favourite TV shows.

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