27 Lucky Winners Of "Lifetime" Supplies Reveal What They Won And How Long It Actually Lasted Them
You know how we've all probably dreamed about winning a lifetime supply of something?
Well, Reddit user u/LordFrieza8789 decided to ask real-life winners about their prizes: "Redditors who have actually won a “lifetime” supply of something, what was the supply you won and how long did it actually last?"
Here are some of the best responses:
1."I won a trivia thing from a radio station in 2015. The prize was a lifetime supply of passes/movie candy from AMC theaters. They gave me a gift card-looking thing to show at AMC that allows up to $40 in snacks for free, plus admission. It's been almost 10 years, and this card still works. It has saved my butt so many times when I was struggling financially. I could go get dinner or sit in air conditioning for a few hours. I'm shocked it's still valid, but it's probably the best thing I've ever won."
2."I won a lifetime supply of car washes. It was for the average life of a car, which was calculated to be 10 years. One car wash per month, thus, 120 car washes in total."
3."At age 14, I won a lifetime subscription to Rolling Stone magazine in a radio contest. That was 1993. The latest edition arrived just last week. That magazine has followed me through high school, college, marriage, divorce, the birth of my kid, and all through the present day. From Britney to Cardi B. I sometimes wonder which will last longer: me or Rolling Stone?"
4."When I was a kid, I won a contest online that included a 'lifetime' supply of Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape. I don’t remember the exact amount, but I think it was about a dozen boxes of gum. They also sent me a small boom box and hockey jersey with the Hubba Bubba logo on it. I got sick of the gum pretty quickly, and it had a shelf life. A friend and I wound up using it all for a school project where we had to make a model of the town from the book The Outsiders."
5."About 18 years ago, we won a lifetime of vet visits (routine checkups) for my cat. They expected to give it to someone with an old pet, not a new kitten. The cat’s still alive. The vet clinic has moved and rebranded four or five times, but they’re still honoring the award."
6."My friend won a lifetime supply of pizza from a national chain. He received 25 coupon books — one for each year. Each contains 52 coupons for one free pizza. Each coupon is only valid for one week of the year."
7."My family received free Pizza Hut for life because they used our house for a commercial and some advertisements. It was awesome! We had it for around 12 years, but then they changed some executives and decided to revoke it. So, it wasn't for life, but it was still awesome to have it for that long. We would order like 10 pizzas for a party or something, and the delivery driver would always be so confused. They would look down at the receipt and say, 'It says you don't owe anything.' We would always tip very well since we didn't have to pay for pizza, so they still loved us."
8."I won free groceries for 'life' at my local grocery store in a raffle. They give me a digital $100 gift card once a month, which is wonderful. However, it doesn't even cover a week of groceries. It will end when the total given has reached $10,000. I've got about $4,000 left."
9."In high school, I called a radio contest and was the 105th caller to call in and answer a trivia question. I answered it right and got a lifetime supply of ice cream, which turned out to be a monthly coupon for a gallon. It continued throughout high school and then, when I went away for college, my parents didn’t keep up with it. That was so long ago; I’m 50 now. It was really fun and exciting at the time, though! I almost wrote my college application essay about it, but my school counselor gently guided me in a better direction."
10."I won a lifetime supply of mini chocolate milk cartons during a milk day at school. If you opened a carton of milk and it mooed at you, you had to call the number on it and report that you had mooing milk. That was in 2007. I’m still getting milk shipped to me, LOL — my fiancé drinks it because I’ve grown to hate milk."
11."My dad won a lifetime supply of cat food, but they delivered it all at once, and our cats didn’t like that flavor (of course). We donated it all to a local animal shelter that was super pleased!"
12."As a consolation prize for losing on a TV game show, I was given a popcorn popper, a little girl's bicycle, and a lifetime supply of beef stew. I gave the popcorn popper as a Christmas present and sold the bicycle. When the beef stew arrived, it was one case of 12 cans. After trying the first can, I realized that the other 11 would indeed last me a lifetime."
13."I won a lifetime of free oil changes for my car. It was during a sale the dealership had where you took a photo with your pet, and the person who most resembled their pet won. I don't know if I should feel happy or concerned about that one. What they failed to mention was that it was lifetime oil changes for the vehicle I had, and I couldn't transfer it to anyone else. So when my dad took over my car loan, they dropped that little tidbit of info on us. It only really lasted me for about two oil changes."
14."Back in the '90s, my dad won a lifetime supply of WD-40. We had four huge boxes with 40 cans of WD-40 in each box. Here it is, 2024, and we still have a whole box left."
15."I won a lifetime supply of jellybeans from Jelly Belly as a teenager. I could receive one delivery of a three-kilogram bag or three deliveries over a year of one one-kilogram bag. My mother forced me to choose the second option, so I didn't gorge myself."
16."I won a lifetime supply of fruit roll-ups when I was a kid. One of those chances to win because of the print on the inside of the box. It was gone within a year, partly because my parents gave away about half of it. By the time I saw the delivery, it was down to six large master cartons with multiple retail boxes inside."
17."Before I was born, my father won a lifetime supply of free disposable razors. Growing up, I saw them all the time, and even now, 30+ years later, he still has a full box of them in the garage. Unfortunately, the quality of the razors is pretty terrible, and my father has always had trouble with nicks and cuts. I've tried to introduce him to better razors, like ones that feature a better cartridge, but he's too stubborn to make the switch."
18."My mum won a 'lifetime' supply of Surf, the washing powder. Basically, we got 72 8-kg boxes all at once on a pallet from some kind of raffle competition. Ended up selling 60 boxes for about £10 each to corner shops and splitting the rest with some family."
19."I won a lifetime supply of AA and AAA batteries from a major Canadian tech retailer about 20 years ago. The thing is, batteries last a long time, and there really isn't that much that I use batteries for. Even getting the batteries isn't worth the time. I have to get them to type in my name in their system, and there's a note by my name indicating that I get free batteries because I won a contest 20 years ago. And then, they run and get their manager to look at it because that looks suspicious. And then, the manager looks at it and asks me questions until they finally relent and give me my free batteries."
20."Pentel Pens. I won a writing contest 30 years ago. I got an engraved executive when I won, and I also got a 12-pack of EnerGels a year, two alloy barrels, and one Libretto. They usually send me a three-pack of any new pens or colors coming out, too. I've been to their headquarters and factory in Japan. I explained who I was and what I had won, which they verified with my order and shipping history. I got to take an in-depth tour with a Senior Executive Vice President and got sets of drafting pencils (GraphGear Sharps), unique Japanese pens, and an original 1962 Sign Pen."
21."At the Big 12 championships in I believe 2007, Chik-Fil-A sponsored a giveaway for a 'lifetime supply' of chicken sandwiches under 12 seats in the Alamodome in San Antonio. I was lucky enough to sit in one of those seats, and the prize included a folder with 52 coupons for a free chicken sandwich meal. So less lifetime supply, and more of a 'once a week for a year' supply, but I really wasn’t about to complain about the technicality. 52 free sandwich combos were still worth about 400 bucks at the time — I still consider it one of my luckiest moments, and at 14 years old, it was pretty mind-blowing!"
22."I won the Kobayashi Maru contest and won a lifetime subscription to Paramount+ and a Captain Kirk, green-wrap shirt. The Paramount+ subscription is still working great and my account shows a '100% discount for 30 years.'"
23."Won a lifetime supply of gourmet coffee beans in a contest at a country fair. Contestants had to guess, as closely as possible, the number of coffee beans in a large glass cylinder prominently displayed. Years later, I'm still receiving monthly shipments of several pounds of gourmet coffee beans (my choice of variety). Since there are more beans than I can use every month, I give them away to friends who appreciate fine quality coffee."
24."My parents won a lifetime supply of toiletries: soap, toilet paper, and some other stuff. Once per quarter, you mail in the coupon, and they send you another quarter's worth of stuff. It’s all institutional grade."
25."Not me, but my Grandpa won a lifetime supply of Altoids back in the early 2000s. They sent him a box with, like, 200 tins in it, and that was it. I remember when we went to his house, he gave me, like, a dozen of them."
26."My brother won a 'lifetime supply of french fries' from a local Burger King franchise in the late 90s. He got a card and the rules were ‘two free large fries each week for 25 years’ and then nontransferable. Not sure how they tracked it, but he went constantly, moved away for 10 years, and then moved back. They still honored the card when he went back after spending 10 minutes discussing it with the manager."
27.And finally, "My uncle gets free Ben & Jerry's for life. He has a card that says free ice cream for life, and he can get pints or cones at any scoop shop (at least locally). He also gets decks of free pint coupons that he can use at grocery stores and gas stations. When Unilever bought them out, they tried to buy back all the 'free ice cream for life' cards. I guess it was a fairly generous offer because my uncle is one of only a few that chose to keep the card."
Have you ever won a lifetime or year's supply of something? What was the prize? Let us know in the comments below!
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.