Jet skier rescues drowning baby wallaby

Baby Wallaby Stuck in Open Waters Rescued via Jet Ski
Baby Wallaby Stuck in Open Waters Rescued via Jet Ski

This baby wallaby who was stuck in open water was rescued recently - but not before kicking a few well-meaning kayakers in the head.

A jet ski operator named Jonah Cooper was called to rescue the wallaby, which was seen jumping into the Noosa River in Queensland, Australia and swimming in circles in a disorientated state.

See also: Escaped wallaby causes mayhem on rail network

See also: Wallaby spotted by shocked dog walkers in Oxfordshire

Cooper rode his jet ski out into open water where a pair of men in kayaks were attempting to rescue the animal.

One of them picked it up by its tail and was quickly met with kicks to the head.

"How the kayaker thought he was going to hold a wallaby and paddle to shore seemed to have eluded him," Cooper said.

When Cooper went to collect the wallaby by the tail, he said the man in the kayak seemed relieved to hand it over as it was still thrashing about.

Holding the terrified and confused animal away from him in one hand and operating the jet ski with the other, Cooper released the wallaby back onto the beach where it quickly hopped off past a caravan park.