Grandmother, 72, defeats ATM robbers

Eileen McCartney distraction robbery
Eileen McCartney distraction robbery

Eileen McCartney, a 72-year-old grandmother from Orwell in Wigan, was targeted by a gang of thieves at a local cashpoint. She was initially taken in by the ATM scam, but when she realised what was going on, she fought back with impressive gusto.

Eileen was getting money out of a Natwest branch ATM back in March. She had just put her card in the slot when a man tapped her on the shoulder and told her she had dropped £20 on the floor. When she looked down, a separate gang member switched the card in the slot for a fake one.

The idea of the scam is that the victim puts the fake card away in their wallet, and walks away none-the-wiser. Meanwhile, the gang has their card and has snooped on their PIN, so they are free to withdraw as much cash as they like.


However, Eileen told Wigan Today she had seen a similar distraction technique explained on Crimewatch, so she worked out what was going on. She challenged the man who had switched the cards, and while he initially denied having done anything, in his haste to explain, he accidentally revealed he was holding her card.

She snatched it out of his hand, ran into the branch, and shouted that she was being scammed. At that point the gang made a quick getaway - with nothing to show for their efforts. Eileen told the Daily Mail she was very relieved, as there had been a significant sum of money in the account to pay her bills, and she could have lost the lot.

A Greater Manchester Police officer said there was a trend locally for this kind of crime, and that they appeared to be targeting older people. Anyone withdrawing cash from an ATM was warned to be on their guard.

Protect yourself

As banks have made it harder to exploit cards through initiatives like chip and PIN, criminals have turned to these less high tech methods of spying on PINs and swiping cards. It means it's more important than ever to take care when you use a cash machine.

When you approach an ATM, make sure you have a good look around, to check nobody is hanging about. You should also have your card handy, so you're not rummaging around for it, and move confidently, which could put off people looking for vulnerable victims. Finish any phone call or conversation with a companion, so you are giving the process your full attention.

When you arrive at the ATM, you should check that there's nothing unusual about it - especially the card slot. While you are using it, stand very close, and cover your PIN with your hand. When the cash comes out, put it straight into a pocket and walk away - you can transfer it elsewhere later.

Don't let yourself be distracted by anything during the process. If anything is going on around you, or anyone tries to talk to you, ignore them until you have finished.

Grandmother Warns Others About Scam She Almost Fell Victim To
Grandmother Warns Others About Scam She Almost Fell Victim To