Six fitness buys to get a toned tummy

5 Exercises to Burn Belly Fat
5 Exercises to Burn Belly Fat

If you want a flat tummy, first you need to lose the flab (by eating healthily and doing cardio) but there are also some great toning products that can help.

See also: Walking is better for you than the gym
See also: Weight training tips for women in their 50s-plus

1. Hula hoop
As simple as it may sound, spending 15 minutes hula hooping twice a day can be enough to trim your waistline and improve your core strength. Choose one with an added weight inside the hoop and it will make the workout even more effective: allowing you to burn calories, tone up and have fun at the same time!
Buy it now: Pro Fitness weighted hula hoop, £16.99.

2. Ab roller
Many people use an ab roller to tone their abdominal muscles, as well as strengthening their obliques and core. Make sure to buy one with a padded headrest to help reduce stress on the neck and spine, as well as helping to ensure you perform the exercise correctly. Some, like the Pro Fitness ab roller, come with a computer LCD so you can track your progress.
Buy it now: Pro Fitness ab roller, £16.99.

3. Exercise wheel
For toned abs, you need a strong back. Using an exercise wheel can help strengthen your core by working your abs and muscles of your lower back at the same time – you need strong back muscles to counteract the natural arching of your back that occurs as you roll forward on the wheel. By contrast, exercises that target only your abs or back may result in a core muscular imbalance. If you have a weak lower back speak to your personal trainer or doctor before using the wheel, as you may need to strengthen your core first.
Buy it now: Pro Fitness exercise wheel, £10.99.

4. Tummy toning DVD
Too busy to exercise? You might not have time to go to the gym or do an exercise class, but you can find 10 minutes to do a DVD at home. The 10 Minute Solution: Blast Off Belly Fat features five separate segments and includes targeted exercises to trim down your tummy.
Buy it now: The 10 Minute Solution: Blast Off Belly Fat, £3.43.

5. Exercise ball
The exercise ball (aka swiss, gym, stability ball, Fitball), is one of the safest and most effective training devices for the abdominals and lower back. Doing sit ups while lying on the ball offers a greater range of motion than you would lying flat on the floor - which means more of the abdominal muscles gets trained.
Buy it now: Reebok Elements gym ball, £16.99.

6. Slendertone machine
Thousands of people use Slendertone products to tone up their stomach muscles. The latest Abs5 toning belt is an upgrade from Slendertone Abs3, offering more programmes and quicker results. The belt fits discreetly under clothing and provides a powerful (it shouldn't be too uncomfortable), sensation that will tone your abs. Use correctly for five times a week, and you should notice results within six weeks. Before you part with your cash, read a range of good and bad buyer reviews to decide if it's for you.
Buy it now: Slendertone Abs5 Unisex Toning Belt, £89.99.