World Rhino Day: Let's make some noise

Today is World Rhino Day, and here at AOL Travel we're joining people around the world to show our support for rhino conservation.

Rhino poaching has now reached crisis point, and if it continues to increase at the current rate then it is predicted that the rhino will be completely extinct in the wild by 2026.

Many rhinos are being poached simply for their horns, and are left in pain to bleed to death. The horn is bought and sold illegally for perceived medicinal or ornamental purposes.


So what can we do to help?

This year's World Rhino Day sees the return of the Nail It For Rhinos campaign to raise awareness of the threats facing the five species of rhino. You can find out more here.

The World Wildlife Fund also offers the chance to adopt a rhino. By doing so, you'll be helping to support vital conservation work, restoring fragmented areas of habitat, helping implement anti-poaching measures.

We're also welcoming the launch of today, a joint initiative between andBeyond and Great Plains Conservation to move rhino from high-risk poaching areas in South Africa to neighbouring Botswana, a country that boasts an excellent anti-poaching record. The project has already successfully transported its first batch of rhino, but there's a lot more to do.

For more information on what you can do, visit

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