How fit is Fido? Tracker gadget could help chubby canines

A nation of animal lovers we may be, but our increasingly hectic lifestyles and tendency to overindulge our canine friends mean dog obesity is undoubtedly on the rise.

£60 gadget to track dog fitness
£60 gadget to track dog fitness

Pic: Getty

However, a £60 gadget could be the answer for all those hounds that are piling on the pounds. The FitBark is a small gizmo that clips onto the dog's collar and tracks how much and how strenuous Fido's daily exercise really is.

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Should the gadget determine that the dog is not getting enough daily activity, the accompanying app will warn owners that they could soon have a chubby canine on their hands.

The makers of FitBark, who claim the tech is designed to "foster an active lifestyle" for dogs everywhere, are currently raising money via Kickstarter and hope the fitness tracker will go into production later this year.

It works by using accelerometers in the wearable gadget to track the dog's movements, from which owners can then download the data to either a mobile phone or a special "doghouse" controller.
According to the Daily Mail, the makers said: "We calculate a minimum daily goal for your dog that is equivalent to one hour of moderately intense physical activity, and the rest of the day spent at a lower energy level.

"All of FitBark's activity data feeds into the BarkScore: The number that tells you how consistently your dog has been meeting his daily goal, and how you're doing as a dog parent."

The designers hope the gadget will go on sale later this year, priced at around £60.

What do you think? Would you invest in the FitBark to help keep your pooch fit and healthy? Leave your comments below...