Healthy breakfast foods

It's the most important meal of the day and yet a recent survey by PAGB, the trade association for over-the-counter medicines and food supplements, revealed that 22 per cent of Brits are skipping breakfast.

healthy breakfast ideas
healthy breakfast ideas

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As the first meal of the day, breakfast sets us up with the nutrients and energy we need to get going, and is essential if we are to avoid the temptation to resort to unhealthy snacks come mid morning.

So if you are one of the 22 per cent, here are some healthy breakfast foods that will help you start the day the right way.

Swift smoothie
If a lack of time is the reason you're skipping breakfast, consider a smoothie to start the day. Not only will it provide you with a calcium-packed dairy hit, but the addition of your favourite fresh fruits means you're not missing out on essential vitamins.

Cereal starter
The traditional bowl of cereal can be both filling and healthy, and an excellent source of fibre - but what kind of cereal you buy is key. Many contain high levels of salt, sugar and saturated fat, so pay attention to the label and opt for a wholegrain variety fortified with vitamins and minerals.

Scrambled, poached or soft-boiled, there is no denying the humble egg's nutritional qualities. Packed with protein and low in saturated fat along with vitamins A and D, they're a great way to fill yourself up and keep you going until lunchtime. Enjoy with some wholegrain toast for added satisfaction.

Say yes to yoghurt
Fabulous for those who regularly run late, all that's required is a spoon to take advantage of this calcium and protein-filled option. Friendly bacteria will keep your gut in good shape, studies have shown that yoghurt can lower cholesterol and boost immunity. Add fresh fruit or eat it with muesli for even greater benefits.

Winter warmer
To send you out with a cosy glow, it really doesn't come much better than porridge. The oats are an excellent source of fibre, which can help to reduce cholesterol, and they release energy slowly to help stave off that mid-morning slump. Choose semi-skimmed milk and dried fruit to get one of your five-a-day.

Weekend treat
The odd bacon sandwich is irresistible to most, but if you fancy something altogether healthier as you peruse the Sunday papers, try grilled mushrooms and tomatoes on wholegrain toast. Not only are you getting the energy and fibre from the whole grains, but you'll have two of your five-a-day done before lunch.