Video: Kite surfer jumps over an entire pier during tropical storm

Video: Kite surfer jumps over an entire pier during tropical storm
Video: Kite surfer jumps over an entire pier during tropical storm


Who knew that kite surfing was such an 'extreme' sport?

A man has been captured on film using a wind created by tropical storm Debby to leap over an entire pier at Redington Beach, Florida, according to the Telegraph.

The gale-force winds, which have been measuring up to 50 miles per hour, lift him totally clear of the structure.

The video was taken by onlooker Jay Gartner, who uploaded it onto YouTube on Sunday, and it has since been viewed over 300,000 times.

Tropical storm Debby has been hitting the Florida coastline for the last few days.

According to the Daily Mail, the National Hurricane Centre has now downgraded it from a tropical storm to a post-tropical cyclone.

See the extreme kite-surfing footage below:

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