Films to look forward to this winter

The evenings might be drawing in and the air getting decidedly chilly but there are plenty of films on at the cinema to cheer you up this winter.

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popcorn and 3D glasses

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From horror to comedy and drama to fantasy, there will be something for everyone so why not grab your popcorn for one of these winter movies?

If horror is your thing, Halloween has provided just what you need for a serious fright night - Paranormal Activity 2 (released October 22) includes similar CCTV camera scares as the original with a family realising a series of "break-ins" at their home are more sinister than they may seem.

And if you like your horror seriously gory the latest in the Saw franchise (October 29) will no doubt offer plenty of hide-behind-your-hands moments... and this time the terror is in 3D!

If you'd rather laugh than scream, the new installment of the Meet the Parents story continues with Stiller, De Niro and Hoffman all reprising their roles in Little Fockers (December 22) - expect plenty of laughs as we find out whether Greg is still in the "circle of trust".

And those of you who remember the original, it might be worth making a trip to the movies for Tron: Legacy (December 26). Michael Sheen plays the 27-year-old looking into his father's disappearance - and things are a whole lot more advanced, more dangerous and no doubt more visually impressive this time round.

Let's not forget the kids this winter though - top of every child's wish list will be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (November 19) as Harry, Ron and Hermione continue to battle the ever-growing power of Voldemort (sorry kids, but this is only part one of the final showdown).

Similarly the fantasy world of Narnia returns this winter as Lucy and Edmund return to the magical world with their cousin Eustace for The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader (December 10) - sure to be a hit with parents and children alike.

And the New Year offers plenty more for movie-lovers.

Natalie Portman stars as a ballerina with an emerging dark side in Black Swan (February 11), the Coen brothers return with a mouth-watering remake of the John Wayne classic True Grit (January 14) with a cast including Matt Damon, Josh Brolin and Jeff Bridges, and action fans will be counting the days until the release of Mission Impossible IV (release date to be confirmed).

What movies are you looking forward to this winter? Let us know below.