World Diabetes Day

There are some 250 million people around the globe currently living with diabetes and as World Diabetes Day (November 14) approaches, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is continuing their campaign to educate and prevent the disease.

Diabetes sufferer injecting insulin
Diabetes sufferer injecting insulin

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Campaigns, activities, screenings and lectures will be taking place across the world in a bid to raise awareness of the disease and educate people who may be at risk as to how to reduce the chances of developing diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes can begin years before diagnosis but there are simple ways in which you can slow the progress or cut your risk of developing the condition.

A lack of exercise, obesity and an unhealthy diet are all major causes of type 2 diabetes but that means there is something you can do to lower your chances.

You don't have to be sweating it out in the gym to benefit from exercise - a brisk half-hour walk, five days a week can help to lower your risk.

Similarly, losing weight can only help. Women are advised to keep their waist size under 31.5 inches (80cm) and men under 37 inches (90cm). Diabetes UK recommends a well-balanced three meals a day, including plenty of fibre, fruit and veg and at least two portions of oily fish each week.

Reducing the amount of sugary foods, salt and alcohol is also a good idea, and of course, giving up smoking can only benefit your general health as well as reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease and other related problems.

The same advice applies to those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. By making such changes to their lifestyle, many sufferers find they can continue to live a normal and fulfilled life.

To find out if you are at risk of diabetes, visit and see how you Measure Up.