More People Are Sharing All The "Small Hills" They Would Absolutely Die On, And I Cannot Get Enough

I've written a few times now about "small hills" that people say they're willing to die on, and you guys seem to be obsessed. I never knew there were so many random pet peeves that irked people so badly. They fascinate me, so I've decided to share some more, straight from our very own BuzzFeed Community!

1."Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets."

Grace Cary / Getty Images

2."The dollar sign goes BEFORE the numbers, not after! [It's] $315, not 315$. I know people are writing it like we say it, but it’s not that hard to remember."


3."Grease 2 is the superior of the Grease movies. I said what I said."

character saying, learn how to take a compliment alright

4."'First Annual.' There is no such thing. I don’t care if you plan on doing it again, the first is always the inaugural event"


5."Mine is people pronouncing frustrated as 'fustrated.'"


6."I hate when people use 'infamous' like it means 'extra famous.' It means you are famous for a bad reason and is typically not a good thing."


7."I know it’s dumb, but I hate it when people say that something is 'very unique.' There are no degrees of uniqueness. Either something is unique, or it’s not. You can say it’s 'very special,' 'very valuable,' [or] 'very different,' but not 'very unique.'"


8."Saying 'should of' instead of 'should have' and the like."


9."When people make the stupid f—ing joke about charcuterie being lunchables for adults, I don’t know why, but it boils my piss. It’s not original and just makes them seem ignorant. Charcuterie has existed long before it was a trend on TikTok."

Elena Noviello / Getty Images

10."Call this the journalism major in me, but people — especially supposed writers — who use 'in order' in front of an infinitive. Three empty, condescending syllables. JUST STOP ALREADY!"


11."1. Not everything needs to be an app. 2. 'Notate' and 'note' do not mean the same thing."

person taking notes

12."If you use the terms 'conversate,' 'hubby,' or 'wifey,' we will never be friends."

person saying, i think it's converse
Logo TV

13."What drives me crazy is people confusing the words 'burglary' and 'robbery.' They are not interchangeable. A robbery is against a person (and usually involves violence, or a threat like pointing a gun at someone) and a burglary is against a building (like someone broke in or entered a place with intent to commit a crime). I hate in movies or TV shows when someone walks into their house that’s been rifled through and they say, 'We’ve been robbed!' No, you weren’t! You were burgled!"

person saying, we were robbed

14."This one is really specific, but I, fully embracing the cringiness, love reading fan fiction. However, the grammar and spelling mistakes in fan fiction bother me so much; learn how to write correctly or don’t write it all!"


15."As someone in the funeral industry, please either learn the difference between 'interment' and 'internment' — or, stop getting mad at me when I correct your funeral programs."


16."Do they not teach how to enter/exit/merge onto a freeway in Driver's Ed anymore? I was taught ([and] the first time was terrifying!!!) when I took [Driver's Ed] way back in the ‘90s."


17."'My Favorite Things' IS NOT A CHRISTMAS SONG!!!"


18."Pillsbury crescent rolls are revolting and I will not apologize for my beliefs."


19."My hill is that the series finale of How I Met Your Mother was amazing, and much more interesting and true to life than if they’d gone with a cliche 'happily ever after' ending. Love the show, love the finale, I will die on that hill!"


20.And finally, "Fake service dogs — saw one just the other day in Starbucks. The dog was wearing a service dog vest but barked several times at a dog that was outside and wouldn't take correction from its handler."

small dog wearing a service animal vest

Some of these were a bit smaller than others, to be honest. I hope you all enjoyed (or were infuriated by) these. Please, feel free to share whatever petty, tiny, but incredibly irksome pet peeves you have down in the comments. I love reading them.

Note: Some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.