"We Don't Do Tanning Beds, We Just Get Our 1-Year-Old A Spray Tan": 15 Times Facebook Moms Were So Unhinged, It Frightened Us

We've highlighted the Reddit thread r/ShitMomGroupsSay before and, after recently seeing what some moms are saying about Wicked, I fell down the Facebook parenting rabbit hole once more. Here are some of the wild things they're asking these days:

1.This mom who is wondering if it's bad for her son to learn how to BE IN THE KITCHEN:

Facebook post asking if a play kitchen is inappropriate for a son, as the mom thinks it's for girls. 27 reactions
u/Melodic-Sprinkles4 / reddit.com

2.This mom who consciously made the decision to add her breast milk to baked goods thinking it wasn't a big deal:

Social media post seeking advice about using breast milk in brownies for a school bake sale, causing controversy among other parents
u/JessicaMurawski / reddit.com

3.This mom who wants to know why yelling to get her daughter to eat hasn't been working:

A post seeking advice on toddler eating issues, describing a 4-year-old who eats little. The parent expresses concern and asks for help
u/jillianxdanielle / reddit.com

4.This mom who wants advice on handing her baby off to strangers while she uses the bathroom:

A social media post discusses concerns about holding a baby while using a public restroom and asks for advice on safety
u/Professional_Ad3180 / reddit.com

5.This parent who wants to sunbathe her kid...

Social media post reads: "How long can I lay my 24 month old on the sunbeds for? She's a little pale, just want to give her a base tan."
u/goldenpandora / reddit.com

And this one who called out how bad tanning is, but offered the solution of a baby spray tan:

Comment suggests applying spray tan to young children for nap time tanning
u/goldenpandora / reddit.com

6.This mom whose biggest concern is the peach fuzz above her baby's lip:

A parent seeks advice on dealing with their 6-month-old baby's noticeable facial hair, expressing concern for the future and considering potential solutions
u/wanderlustandapples1 / reddit.com

7.This terrifying question posed by one mom about at-home circumcision:

Social media post expressing concern about a relative considering at-home circumcision by an inexperienced person
u/dreemiie / reddit.com

8.This parent who is allowing their kids to play in the stove:

Parent seeking advice on child obsessed with playing inside the unplugged stove and not using other toys
u/Professional-Cat2123 / reddit.com

9.This mom question that I truly have no words for:

Summary of text: A guardian asks about using their brain-injured son's sperm for having a child, mentioning he's 18. They're concerned about cost and live in southern USA
U/ladymoonshyne / reddit.com

10.This mom who is exceeding the recommended caffeine intake during pregnancy but somehow thinks it is good to do so:

Facebook post asking if drinking 3 cups of coffee daily is good while 7 weeks pregnant
u/RickGrimesBeard23 / reddit.com

11.These moms who are planning to send lollipops that children with chickenpox have licked to their unvaccinated kids:

Conversation about sending licked lollipops to relatives. Mention of shingles and chicken pox transmission
u/Kaitlynnbeaver / reddit.com

12.This mom who is convinced parasites are somehow related to teeth grinding:

Text: A parent asks for advice on their 5-year-old's teeth grinding, suspecting parasites, and seeks recommendations for testing and treatment options
u/Cold_Valkyrie / reddit.com

13.This mom who is inquiring about fasting her baby:

A person seeks advice about fasting with family at 3 p.m. while breastfeeding a one-year-old and giving milk and solids during the day
u/seau_de_beurre / reddit.com

14.This mom who is wondering if it's bad that she banned socks for her kids:

Social media post by a mom joking about banning socks for her 10 kids and receiving a complaint from a teacher about shoe odor
u/Mamsch / reddit.com

15.And, finally, this dad who really didn't know a vagina opened wide enough for a baby's head to come out:

Diagram with text comparing different cervical dilation stages to the size of various objects. Top text humorously expresses disbelief about childbirth
u/pearyeet / reddit.com